28 - who's really at fault?

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Tuesday, February 28th

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Tuesday, February 28th

If I were to choose a word to describe how I feel right now, "guilty" or "furious" would both be understatements. I can't even give a word to sum it all up for you.

Whether this was my fault or not is completely out of the question. I think the answer is obvious. The others seem to think the same thing, and I fully take the blame. I mean, you should've seen the reaction I got from Hazel when I called from the store.

Within the time that I was apart from Grayson, he was taken from me. That little window of time was all it took for Loman to get to him. It's embarrassing, really.

However, right now, I can't be worrying about what happened. I need to focus on how I'm going to get him back.

And I will, at all costs.

Finn managed to find the exact location where the call was made. Whether Grayson had been moved since then was unknown, but we still need to make an attempt regardless.

We're gathered in the building across from the one shown in the location, and for now we are preparing for what could be the worst. I don't care how many people we face in that building; I just want to find Grayson alive.

Sage steps away from the window and moves to Finn. "Do a thermal scan."

The overhead drone moves around the building silently, and as we look at the screen, we see swarming amounts of guards all throughout.

"Just as we expected, they have people everywhere." Finn brings the drone back through the window we left open.

Valerie crosses her arms, staring down at the building's entrance. "I guess they really want to take us all out here."

"We'll split up and cover more ground that way," I say, eyes locked onto the ground below. "Remember our priority is Grayson." They all silently agree and continue to make preparations.

I part from the group, needing space to clear my mind before going in head-on. I know we can get through Loman's men with ease, I'm only worried about what we'll find in there. I pull on the collar of my shirt, feeling suffocated.

A hand touches my shoulder, and I turn, expecting to see Sage. Instead, I find the eyes of Hazel.

She doesn't wear her usual hostile glare, rather it's a look of concern. "Hey."

I roll my shoulders, composing myself before looking out a window to avoid eye contact. "Hey."

"I know you think I should be blaming you for this," she crosses her arms, looking out the same window. "But I don't."

I glance at her, not knowing what to say. I can't properly face the sibling of someone who I was responsible for protecting.

"I know you wouldn't have wanted it to happen." She looks at me. "Don't kill yourself over it." She refers to the countless hours I've spent trying to get even a shred of information of Grayson's whereabouts.

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