A Large Family.

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV six years later-

I wake up before everyone to cook breakfast, make the girls lunch, then make my wives lunches. It isn't long until I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Papa!" I hear Mileena cheer as she runs and hugs my leg.

"Morning Mileena." I say and pick her up with a smile. "Ready for school?" I ask her and she nods quickly her ears flopping slightly.

"Papa do you know where my backpack is?" Rhea asks walking into the kitchen.

"By the door Sweetie." I tell her and put breakfast down.

"Otto's breakfast!" Akali cheers and runs in. I pick her up and spin her around gently. When I put her down I kiss her round belly. "They are very active today Otto." She says and I smile at her.

"Just like their Mama." I say and kiss her gently as more footsteps are heard.

"Ew Papa!" I hear Ishizu yell and look to the little Evelyn covering her eyes.

"You'll understand when you're older." Evelyn says walking in and ruffling our daughters hair.

"A lot older." I say and Evelyn rolls her eyes with a smile.

"I'll just ask Mama!" Nabi says and I look at the fox Vastayan.

"Your mother isn't going to explain this early Sunflower." I say making her pout cutely.

"When you're older Nabi." Ahri says walking in making said girl upset.

I place the pancakes onto the table and kiss Ahri and Evelyn. They purrs into the kiss and begin to lift my shirt. I gently pat their hands and they stop.

"I want Papa!" I hear the sounds of Kai's newest pair of twins

"Papa is right here!" A stressed Kai'sa says as she entered the kitchen.

"Luna! Erza!" I say cheerfully and go to the four year olds.

"Papa!" They cheer and jump into my arms. I hold the two and spin them around making them giggle.

"I love you two." I say and they hug my neck.

"Love you Papa!" They say happily and I put them in their chairs. I put waffles in front of them.

"Eat up girls! Eve and Ahri have a video to record for their new song, Kai the manager has some questions about the meet and greet, Kali and Seraphine have vocals to record for their song. Seraphine is already in the studio." I tell them and they nod with a sad look.

"Being multi-platinum sucks!" Akali cries and I kiss her head.

"Soon we'll have a break after you girls finish this album, and tour." I say and the four sigh. I sit down and eat with them and close my eyes as I eat. Breakfast is peaceful as the girls begin talking about school.

"Time for us to go." My wives say and get up to leave. I get up and kiss them as they leave, also handing them their morning coffee/hot chocolate, and their lunches.

"Alright girls! Time to get ready for school!" I say and they are quick to get up. I give the girls their backpacks, help tie their shoes, fix their clothes, take a picture, and help them to the van. I put Erza and Luna in their car seats, and help the older girls with their seatbelts. I drove the girls to the private school my mother ended up building. Just something she always wanted to do.

"Is Grandma and Grandpa going to be there?" Mileena asks and I nod.

"Yes they are. They are very excited to see you girls today." I say and they cheer happily. I smile to myself knowing that my family spoils these girls. After multiple tests it has been found that I have a small chance for a boy. We soon pull up to the school where my parents are waiting.

"My Grandbabies!" Persephone yells as I get out and open the door.

"Grandma!" They cheer and run to her. After she hugs them, and kiss their heads, she smiles at me.

"Hey Little Pup." She says and I smile.

"Hey Mom and Dad. You're taking the girls out after school right?" I ask and they nod. "Alrighty girls. Grandma and Grandpa are taking you girls to a movie and Ice cream after school. Be good for them." I say and scoop up Erza and Luna.

"We want Big Sisters to stay!" The two complain and I smile at them.

"You don't want to hang out with Daddy anymore?" I ask and look away pretending to cry.

"No Papa! We stay with Papa!" They say quickly and I smile at them.

"Promise?" I ask and they hold out their pinkies. I pinky promise them and I carry them back to the car. I feel them waving as I open the door, and place them in their car seats. "The three of us are going to the park." I say and they cheer happily. Looking down I see Kai's scrunchie on the seat. I grab it and quickly run back to them.

"Yes Papa?" Mileena says as I kneel to her level.

"Do you want a ponytail like Mama?" I ask her. Her eyes shine with excitement as she nods quickly. I turn her around and gently fix her hair to look like Kai'sa.

"How do I look Papa?" She asks and I wipe away a tear. It feels like just yesterday I was changing her diapers, and teaching her how to walk. "Papa?" Mileena says with worry and I pick her up.

"You're beautiful Mileena." I say and she smiles.

"All thanks to you Papa!" Mileena cheers and giggles before I put her down.

"Love you girls." I say and they all hug me.

"Love you Papa!" They cheer happily. They then run to their Grandparents before going into the school.

"Time is sure flying by." I say to myself. I walk back to the van and wipe the tears away. "I'm the luckiest man alive." I say to myself and get into the van.

-There we go! Just one final chapter left! ...one left...wow this has been a journey. Thank you all again for checking it out! Especially everyone who has made it this far! You guys made this book possible! Till next time everyone!-

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