Losing You

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Kai'sa pov a week after last chapter-

I pace back and forth glaring at the ground. "I'll kill her! I'll kill every last one of them!" Akali screams loudly through the halls. It's been this way since Grey was taken from us. Since our failure to protect him. Akali has been very aggressive and quick to snap, Ahri is not much different especially since she got some during her heat, Evelyn has been in her room extremely depressed, I've been struggling to keep my girls in check. But this isn't like those long days in the studio, Grey isn't here when we get home now. Ekko and Quiyana have been working non-stop to get back up for us. But I'm tempted just to attack these bases by myself. "Why did I have to get pregnant after that first time?" I ask myself quietly and look at my stomach. "Akali you need to calm down." I say and she shoots me a glare.

"Calm down?!?! They fucking have him!" She screams loudly. "I know! But it isn't healthy for the baby! You want to lose your child?!" I yell at her and she stops before sobbing. "How am i supposed to do this?!" She sobs and I hug her. "Kali. We have to stay calm for the babies. We need them to stay healthy when Grey returns." I say and she looks up at me. "W-What if he misses their births?" She asks and I look away. "We'll have each other Kali. You know Grey would want nothing more than to be here." I say and she nods. Suddenly a loud explosion is heard and the ground shakes. We run out back to see a large dust cloud.

I see Ahri's silhouette in a small crater before I hear her screaming. "Ahri?!" I call to her. The dust settles and she is on her hands and knees crying. I begin walking towards her as she punches the ground repeatedly. "How could I not see through her lie?!" She yells at herself. "She fooled us all Ahri." I say. "But you can't see through emotions and memories!" She yells at me and I sigh. "How do you think Evelyn feels?!" I ask her and Ahri goes quiet. "She hasn't left her room since!" I yell at her and she looks down. "Get yourself together!" I yell at her and she nods. "S-Sorry. We should check on her." Ahri says and I nod leading them back inside.

-Evelyn POV-

I sniffle as I hold my pillow, my eyes hurt from crying, and my body aches from the weight of losing him. I knew being away from him hurt me, but now that he's actually gone. I know how my victims felt when I'd torture them. "Why? Why can I never live in peace? Why must the gods mock me?" I ask in a hoarse voice. I dig my nails into the pillow again. I close my eyes and remember what happened that night. "Don't let them take me! Please help me Ekko!" I hear his voice in my mind. I feel my blood begin to boil. "The fear in his voice, all the pain he was in, the people he killed, and HIS BLOOD IN MY HALLS!" I scream in rage shredding the pillow in two.

"Eve?" I hear Kai'sa ask and I growl. I get up and walk out of my room wiping my eyes. "Ahri you and I are going to the gym, and then we are training. Once you two have your kids you can join us. I'm done crying! I'm done feeling like a failure! I'm done hiding in my room! But I'm mostly done with sitting around!" I yell and walk down the hallway. "But Eve!" Kai'sa calls out. "No! I'm going to start killing these bastards!" I yell as Ahri falls in behind me. "Bout time!" She cheers.

-Grey POV-

I wake up in my bed and take my pills. I look at my pendant to see the Two pictures. I frown and close it before putting it over my heart. "I miss you girls. But if I run they know who to go after. If I make it to you then that puts targets on everyone. If we can save Dad, then he'll figure something out." I say and my eyes widen. "That's it!" I yell and jump up only to sprint out my room. "Nate!" I call out and he leaves his room. "Where the hell is the fire Grey?" He asks. "I've got an idea to make our forces invisible!" I say and he looks at me in shock. "Take me to the communication room!" I say and we take off down the hallway.

Upon arrival Mother and Alex are there talking to five people. "Yes boys?" Mother asks and I look at her passively. "I have a way to make the soldiers invisible." I say and both their eyes widen. "How?" Alex asks and I roll my eyes at his question. You five the leader of the bases?" I ask and the five nod. "My wives are coming to attack your bases. Have your soldiers put on fake blood packs, so when they get hit, they look like they die. That way when it's investigated, all of those soldiers are 'dead'." I say and they smile. "Wonderful idea Sir!" One says and I look at her. "We will have our soldiers know what to do!" They say and sign out.

"Wonderful idea Grey!" Mother cheers and I roll my eyes. "I want us to save Yorvick and Dad's soldiers. That way they know I am with you all, and it will help keep eyes off our dead." I say and she nods. "Right. Now onto other things." She says gaining our attention. "I will teach you how to fight with weapons. Nate has already been working with your Hand to Hand. But you must learn about every weapon before we do this." She says and I groan in annoyance. "The sooner we do this, the faster we get to your father." She says and I nod. "I really hate you." I say and she nods. "I understand." She says and motions for me to follow.

-Another one bites the dust! Now you see the girls are a mess without him. Evelyn and Ahri are about to start tag teaming the bases while Kai'sa and Akali rest. Sadly Grey WILL be missing the birth of his kids. But just these two I promise! Grey has come up with an idea to use his kidnapping to an advantage. But Grey has already planned four steps ahead. Someone is going to die. Can you guess who? Till next time everyone!-

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