Home Sweet Home

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I groan as I wake up to the sound of crying. I get up as fast as I could and walk out the room. I immediately recognize the paintings on the wall and smile. Realizing that my daughters were crying I push through the soreness to get to them. After nearly falling down the stairs, I walk into the kitchen to see my parents trying to calm the two babies. I walk forward and gently put my hands on their heads.

"What's wrong Pups?" I ask in a soothing voice and they look at me. I pick them both up and bounce them gently. "No more worries. Papa's here." I sing calmly and they stop crying. Soon they begin to giggle and coo as they grab my ears. I wince in slight pain but laugh and let them continue. "Little Mileena and Rhea." I say in a soothing voice. The two giggle and I set them down only for them to cry and grab for me.

"Immediately picking up the Father role." Mom says and wipes her eyes from tears forming. "You grew up so fast." She cries.

"Mom." I say softly and hug her as she cries.

"Help me!" I hear Seraphine scream as she sprints into the kitchen. She quickly hides behind me as my wives storm into the room.

Ahri has a casual purple kimono on, her eyes were an icy blue filled with anger, she had her nine tails out instead of the one, and her blonde hair is in a ponytail. Kai'sa was wearing a pink crop top, her purple eyes were like poison which made me shiver in fear, but her leggings hugged her curves and legs just right, her hair flowed perfectly down her back. Evelyn was in her demon form, and has a cast on her broken arm. Finally there was Akali, her hair flows down her back as well, she has a black jacket on with a wolf on the front, tight shorts hug her ass, and her orange eyes showed anger and hatred in them. Quickly shaking my head of dirty thoughts I smile at them.

"Good morning my wonderful wives." I say and they smile at me.

"Good morning Otto!" Akali says cheerfully.

"Good morning Darling." Kai'sa says with a smile.

"Morning Jagiya." Ahri purrs.

"Good morning Muzh. Now please move so we can deal with that rat." Evelyn growls angrily.

"Help me Big Bro! They want to kill me!" Seraphine cries and hugs me tighter.

"You dare hide behind our husband?" Ahri growls.

"Enough!" I order shocking them as they probably think I'm siding with Seraphine. "Is this really the example we need to show to our pups?" I ask and they sigh.

"Sorry." They all apologize and I smile at them.

"I know what Seraphine did was fucked up. Especially since we had just had a bad run through with my mental health. But she is my baby sister and I would like you girls to try and make amends. I know it won't be instantaneous but they are our family." I tell them and Akali groans.

"I can try Otto. Just for you." Akali says and the others agree.

"Thank you girls." I say and go back to messing with our daughters.

-Persephone POV-

As grey plays with the girls I look at his wives. "Join us outside?" I ask and they sigh before nodding. We exit onto the front porch and I sit down in a rocking chair.

"Thank you. For saving our son I mean." I say and they look at me. "I drove him to the brink of suicide because I lost his father. You girls helped him turn into such an amazing man." I say and Evelyn laughs.

"Grey was like that before us. Given he lied about his mental health, but we also lied about our true forms." Kai'sa says motioning to Evelyn and herself.

"He loved me even though I'm a freak among Vastayan's." Ahri says and I frown.

"Who calls you a freak? I'll have them killed." I say and the girls looked shocked. "You all are my daughters. I've had my own personal assassins watching over you all. If they let someone disrespect you like that. I will personally retrain them." I growls and Ahri quickly shakes her head.

"No need! It's just that I'm a Vastayan no one has ever seen before! My parents are normal fox Vastayan's and I'm a nine tails!" She quickly explains and I shake my head.

"And that makes you amazing Ahri. Never think of yourself as a freak, imagine how Grey would feel if he heard that?" I ask and she nods with a smile.

"I'm going to be the next head of my clan!" Akali says cheerfully.

"Grey will be inheriting our PMC group. I need to train him on how to run things." I say and they look at me. "I have decided a long time ago that Grey would take over. His older brothers show no interest and Seraphine is more focused on other things." I say and they nod.

"Where are his brothers?" Ahri asks.

"Nate and Victor are currently dealing with a Coup d'etat in France. They are helping the government quell their rebellion. Alex is helping our bases with security upgrades. Considering how easy you girls took them down." I say making them blush. "There is no rest for the wicked after all. But Grey will be staying here to take care of his family." I say.

"You really have turned a new leaf." Kai'sa says and I look down.

"I have felt a lot of things and done a lot of bad as well. I love Grey with all the love a mother could give. The day he disappeared I feared the worst, and then the rumor that he was killed by a wolf." I say and show them the scar. "I hunted every wolf I could find, then one almost took my life. I thought it was his spirit trying to drag me to hell. I'll never fail him again." I say and they hug me.

"We don't forgive you. But we can give you a chance for Grey." Evelyn says and I smile knowing I was allowed to see my grandkids.

"Thank you for this chance. I couldn't dream of losing him again." I say as Grey walks out with the two girls.

"Wanna see Grandma?" He asks in an excited voice. My two grandchildren giggle and coo as he hands them to me.

"I know I already cried when I saw them, but having you hand them to me has got me going again." I say tearing up

"Persephone." Brecken says and I cry more.

"T-They remind me of the day we brought you home. Not even a day old and you were smiling and so interested in everything." I cry while being careful my tears don't fall on the girls.

"Mom." Grey says softly and I look at him. "Would you and Dad like to move in with us? Their parents have already." He offers and i nod quickly. "Alright. I'll contact some soldiers to move you two in. I don't want any of you to miss a moment with the girls." He says and I cry more.

-Small time skip Grey POV-

Mom and Dad begged to feed the girls and we all caved in. "Damn puppy dog eyes." I sigh as I enter my old room. I go to grab something only to turn and see Evelyn without a cast on. "Your mother gave me a shot that accelerated my already fast healing." She says and walks in shutting the door. "Let's test how soundproof these walls are." She purrs.

"Eve." I say backing into the wall.

"No need to be afraid my Wonderful Husband. All you need to do is submit to your desire." She purrs and puts my hands above my head. "And breed me." She growls hungrily into my ear making me hard.

-There we have it people! Story is coming to an end in four chapters! I know I didn't wait long for the votes. But I was already predicting Eve to win. She deserves it after fighting a wanna be Goddess and getting her arm broken. So next chapter will be Evelyn, then Ahri, and finally Kai'sa. Grey's parents are moving in, and Persephone got very emotional when Grey handed her the girls. If you guys want to suggest something for the next book let me know. If it's an anime I'll probably need to do research on it. Games will be a little easier. Till next time everyone!-

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