Getting Closer

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV next day-

I again wake up to the sound of banging on my door. I get up and open my door to have Seraphine sprint in and shut the door. "The hell do you want?" I ask her and she pants tiredly. "Seraphine! You are so dead!" I hear Victor scream. "I may or may not have put pink hair dye in Victor's shampoo." She says and I chuckle. "Seraphine!!!" Alex screams loudly making me look at her. "I also might have sent a fake love letter in his name to his wife...meant for another woman." She says and I can't help but laugh. "That's golden! You're almost as bad as Akali!" I tell her. "What?" She asks and I smirk. "Akali rearranged all of Evelyn's cars from alphabetical to what she thought was cool. She then took Kai'sas planner and replaced it all with and I quote. Sexy pictures of me that she took without me knowing. She then took Ahri's perfumes and switched them with bad smelling ones." I say and her mouth drops. "Wow. She's a menace." Seraphine says and I glare at her. "In a funny way!" She says quickly and I nod slowly.

"Grey!" Victor yells and I open the door slightly. "Yeah?" I say and look at Victor's hair. "Nice look big bro." I say and before I knew any better he was hugging me. "You called me Big Bro!" He cries and I roll my eyes. "The last time I tried to stay angry at someone they made me feel bad. Besides my wives like that I'm forgiving." I say and Victor smiles. "Tell me about them." He says. "You already know everything about them." I say knowing he's done his research. "Yeah but only you can tell me about them." He says and they both walk into my room. I groan in annoyance as I sit on my bed.

"My wives are everything to me. They pulled me out of a spot I was afraid would drown me." I tell them and they nod having been probably told I was suicidal. "Kai'sa is basically a motherly wife. She asks me all the time if I need something, do I need a break, am I happy, and much more. I got sick for the first time while I was together with them, and she almost cancelled their charity concert." I say and Alex chuckles. "Wonderful girl." He says and I nod. "Ahri is very possessive and territorial of me. While I still worked at the bar, this woman tried to seduce me in front of her. Ahri poked her shoulder and gave the woman the coldest glare I have ever seen." I chuckle at the memory. "And you don't find that bad?" Victor asks and I shake my head. "It's common in Vastayan culture to be possessive of your mate. Ask Mom about Dad and I bet she says the same thing." I say and I see Seraphine make a note. "Evelyn is very open about showing love. Besides Akali she was the only one to sneak a kiss or a flirt. She also takes my safety to new heights. Which surprised me to find out Seraphine drugged her so  she couldn't use her powers." I say and Seraphine looks down. "I can't apologize enough for that night." She says and I sigh. "And then there's Akali. She may be a cold faced rapper on stage. But at home she is a bundle of energy. She loves to cuddle and watch old samurai movies, loves to play videogames in my lap, and likes to help me when she can. Being the youngest of the group she doesn't have the responsibilities of the others. So out of the four I am a little bit closer to Akali." I say and they smile at me.

"Thank you for that Grey. You know they are very scary right?" Alex asks and I look at him. He pulls out his phone and shows me camera footage of a base. I watch as Evelyn and Ahri blow open the front doors and begin to attack them. Thankfully I told them about the fake blood and feigning death. I watch as Evelyn carves out my name with her lashers. Probably to warn my family about giving me back. "You do know if we were the old is, this would probably make the abuse worse right?"  Victor asks and I smirk. "For every ounce of pain that I would have received. Evelyn would have payed it back much worse. She is the Demon of Agony after all." I say and Alex spits out his drink. "She's a Demon?!" Alex asks and I chuckle. "Guess you don't know everything huh?" I ask and he glares at me.

"All of my children report to the briefing room!" Mother orders and we get up. "So much for a peaceful day!" I say and we walk out the door. "I wonder what the mission is." Seraphine says and I groan. "Hopefully it's stealing high-grade tech." Alex says. "Nerd." I say and he shoves my shoulder playfully. "Maybe it's some prototype weapons." Victor says and I shrug. "Honestly I just want to save Yorvick. Sooner we get him, closer we are to Dad, and that puts me close to going home." I say and they nod. "You'll still call us right?" Seraphine asks. "Yeah. I promise." I say as we enter the briefing room.

"You four are late." Nate says and I look at him. "Mom never said how fast we needed to get here." I tell him and he chuckles. "Fucking smartass." He says and I smile. Not long after Mom walks in with some gear on. "Get suited up kids and meet me back here. Grey your locker is next to Nate's." She says and I nod before following my oldest sibling. We get to the lockers and begin to suit up. I take a look in the mirror and smile.

"That is a special armor I had made just for you

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"That is a special armor I had made just for you. After you kicked my ass I mean. The armor is aerodynamic to help with your speed, but can withstand multiple seven, sixty, two rounds at close range, the pants and shirt are laced with dragon skin to help with blades and small arms, and the helmet is made to deflect bullets and protect your ears." He says and I look at him. "Woah." I say and he looks at himself.

" I say and he looks at himself

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"Did I miss a plate?" He asks. "Miss a plate? Did you save anything for everyone else?!" I ask and he chuckles. "I'm too big to be fast like you and Seraphine, the twins are snipers so they don't use much armor. So I would like you and Seraphine to use me as a human shield. This baby was able to withstand a few fifty calibur rounds." He says hitting his vest. "I'll think about it." I say as we head towards the Briefing Room again.

"That armor fit well Grey?" Mother asks and I nod. "Like a hug from Akali Mom." I say and she smiles. "Good. Now onto business." She says and pulls up a holographic map of a base. "This is where Yorvick and the troops are being held." She says lighting up the basement in red. "From Nate's recon we known the base is decently guarded. But there is a lack in guards on the roof." She says and I sigh. "I really don't want to kill anyone." I say and they smile at me. "It runs in the family Grey." She says and I nod. "I know Mom." I say and they nod as we go to the armory.

-Another one down! So the twins Alex and Victor wanted to know more about the girls. Seraphine is also a trickster when it comes to the older siblings. Nate and Persephone had his armor made just for him, and now he gets to use it on a mission. Grey doesn't like killing but his mother gave him a few profiles and now he is more than ready to end these guys. Evelyn and Ahri have begun the attacks on their bases just like Grey planned. See you guys in the next one!-

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