Ch 3: Well. Anyways.

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The door slowly opened as Anim looked out of it, looking from side to side as he slowly made his way downstairs without making any sound. He was trying to at least make Yui get out of this home; he feared for her well-being more than for his because of that stupid, malicious plan these people have. 
Anim made his way to Yui's room and swung the door open as he searched the room. "yui..? you their?" He asked as he entered and looked around, "Yui?" Much to Anim's surprise, she was nowhere to be found. "Did she already run away...?" 
He exited the room and started searching for her, but it only seemed like he was walking through a maze. After all, it was a mansion, and not a familiar one at that. Maybe if he had actually come from the main door, then he would have had an idea where to go, but he didn't. And that sucks.
Anim was basically rooming all over the house until he saw Ruki and Yui from a distance as he dragged her away. Assuming by the looks on their faces, it seems like Yui really was trying to run away but got caught. "ah shit..." Anim spoke as he bit his thumb; all he could do now is wish Yui good luck and hope she doesn't get into much trouble. 
Anim did wonder whether he should run away right now, find the Sakamaki household, and then come back for Yui. The question was, would they want her back? They probably would since her blood is so sweet and powerful. And then something shook him—wasn't Yui having Cordelia's heart? and from what he heard, "If Yui failed to find an Adam, then her heart would be replaced." But Cordelia wasn't Eve...? Was he thinking too much, or did this really not make any sense? 
(I swear this plot confused me a lot. Maybe if I look into it more, I'll understand, but as of right now, I'll just put it here as Anim's common sense working.)
"What are you doing, Chipmunk?" Anim tuned his head around only to see a Dilf ch--- Yuma. Anim stepped back and looked up at the wall-man, "Dude, if you will call me a chipmunk again, I will call you a gorilla." Anim answered. 
"Ha... Gorilla..." A shy voice spoke from behind as the boy, Azusa, came out (mother, I am ga-) and made himself visible to Anim, "Azusa don't fancy that comment." Yuma said as he crossed his arms, "See? even he agress. So you shall be called Gorilla from now on." 
"Tch, whatever. My question was, "What are you doing here?" Yuma asked once again. Anim didn't know how to answer that; he couldn't tell them that he was going to run away with Yui. "I, um, wanted that- That thing- H2O- no, wait, um- what's it called?" Anim stumbled on his words, Did he forget what water was? Maybe. 
"You.. mean... Water.." Azusa spoke, to which Anim pointed and nodded too. "Did you really forget what water was...?" Yuma spoke, with an expression that clearly judged the smaller male to his core. 
"Look, gorilla, I once forgot what a carrort was, and I called it a "long orange stick which is slightly hairy and has leaves," and nobody knew what I was talking about." Anim nodded as he turned his back on the two and started walking away, escaping the whole situation. "Wait." 
Yuma called out to him, and Anim froze as he turned his head back and looked at the two, saying, "We both were going to the kitchen. Come and get some 'H2O' as well." Yuma spoke as he began walking away, with Azusa following behind. Anim sighed at the fact that they didn't realise that Anim was trying to actually run away and just followed the two to the kitchen. 
At least he will now know where the food is. If he ends up stuck here, we might as well make his stomach happy about it. 
The birds aren't chirping; it isn't morning; it is noon. So Anim most likely woke up to the sound of crows, then birds. 
Ah, yes, truly music to his ears. 
Anim woke up while hugging his pillow, feeling some sort of emptiness on his bed today. His mind became fully aware of his surroundings and finally processed the reason why he felt the emptiness. 
Shu wasn't lying besides him today. Instead, he was hugging a pillow close, but that didn't give him the feeling of a real body. Anim wouldn't say that Shu's body wasn't warm, so it didn't felt very cozy; he was a vampire and kind of dead, but not really; he just missed the hugging aspects. 
His big hands hugged him as his head rested on various parts of his body. His morning voice... 

Well, that is very homo. Anim sat up as he looked down at the pillow; a light blush appeared on his face as he just picked it up and threw it aside, saying, "Stupid. He probably didn't even notice your absence...Maybe." 
He bit his lips as he tried to shove the thoughts away. He got up, freshened up, and wore the clothes he wore yesterday. Ah right, he doesn't have any clothes now. Obvious things are obvious.
He went down and was going to go to the kitchen, expecting to cook food for himself and Yui like he usually did when he woke up early. "Oi! Bratty Kitty! join us!" Someone's cheery voice called out to him as Anim looked at a room close to the kitchen. 
"Ho? You all eat together?" Anim asked as he walked close to the table, to which the cheery voice of Kou nodded. "The Sakamakis don't do that, huh?" Anim shakes his head, "No, they have monthly dinners, but they botch that one as well." 
"Those rich basters, just so full of themselves." Yuma huffed. Anim would disagree with that, but that might be a bit based since he was quite good friends with at least two of them. Now if he looked at it from Yui's side, yeah. 
"We are nothing like them." Ruki came into the room with a plate of fried shrimp and said, "You, come and help me out by bringing in the dishes." Ruki instructed as he started walking away. Anim nodded and followed Ruki into the kitchen. 
Ruki carefully placed the food on the plates with the cutlery, while the conversation and chuckles come from the dinner table. "You guys get along quite nicely.. It honestly refreshing" Anim smiled as Ruki handed him few plates. "Yes, We have been together for... Quite a long time." 
"Mhm, I see," Anim nodded as he brought the few plates in; he also saw Kou and Yuma fighting over a piece of shrimp as Kou just whined about it. All the while, Azusa watched them. 
"Yuma, come on! Just give me the shrimp!" Kou whined as Yuma just kept the shrimp in the air, "No." They kept going back and forth about it as Anim chuckled at their interaction. Placing the plate of the new shrimp down with the other stuff
"Well, this plate is for Azusa. I'll just bring it for you guys as well" He spoke as he went away and bought two, three more plates of food, while some salad balanced on his head. 
"You will drop the salad!" Kou yelled, "Bet you I won't. It's a skill I learned out of boredom!" Anim spoke with confidence and placed everything neatly in front of Yuma and Kou without breaking any plates. 
"Told you, I am Anim Kurushimi after all." Anim told then with pride, "Aw man, it would have been fun to see you get scolded by Ruki for dropping the salad." 
"Ho, darling, I have lived with Reiji; I have mastered the art of being perfect at the dinner table," Anim told Kou as he sat down on the chair next to her. "Aren't you too... I don't know; okay talking to us. We kidnapped you and are now keeping you here," Yuma commented. 
"First of all, this isn't the first time this has happened. And second of all, I am.. basically unhinged." He answered as he took a shrimp and ate it. "The worst thing you can do to me is take my food away." 
All three of them just sat in awe. Compared to the terrified Yui, Anim was very laid-back about this. Probably because he just couldn't take anything seriously for more than half an hour and just does whatever he wants, which also somehow works. 
Plot convince at its best? Maybe.
Well, the four sat on the dinner table for a while before Kou and Yuma once again began the "war for the shrimp." Anim rested his head on the table as he watched the two fight, chuckling at Kou's helplessness at not being able to get the shrimp. 
His favourite part was when Yuma told Azusa to eat the shrimp, and Azusa ust nodded like a little child. The atmosphere was certainly more lively than it was in Sakamaki's. Hopefully this was the usual case. 
Then Yui also came into the room and noticed the Four sitting; she sat down as well and watched the thing happen. Yui looked towards Anim as if he knew what was going on and he answered, "Ho, don't worry about it. It's been going on for quite some time now." 
Ruki came into the room and placed the last batch of shrimp down as he told Yui to join in the feast. Everyone ate, talked, and everything seemed a little less hostile. 
"You all should finish eating fast. Otherwise, we would be late." Ruki mentioned it as he finished, as did everyone else. "Why?" Yui asked, "School." 
"All right, I'll get ready." 
"Ew, school." 
There are two different types of people in the world; this is just one example. We all know who was the whiner. Of course we do. 
"No. Not you two; only we would be going. Azusa will be staying here with you two" Ruki mentioned it as he got up. 
"Question. Do you have a TV? If yes. Where?" Anim asked, "First floor, left corridor, third room," Ruki answered as he crossed his arms. 
"Alright, y'all don't need to worry about me then." Anim said he put some more food on his plate. Ruki looked at Yui, who just shrugged her shoulders. 
He didn't have anything to do or put at play here, so he just decided to be the side NPC of this story this time around. Well, he thought the same thing last time, and we all know what a nightmare he went through for half of the time.
Ahhh, he will never know how life works or how it would troll him once again. 

A Side Character. (Diabolik Lovers xM!OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant