Ch 23: Ho Great, We Have Wolves now

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If this was the last thing he had to do... he'd do it because there wasn't much time left as the night began to devour everything. If science doesn't work on magic, then let's just throw logic out the window and make a blood sacrifice.

Anim was desperate at this point, as this lingering feeling that something horrible was about to happen loomed over his head. He was about to insert a needle in his arm, but he soon heard the crashing of windows, and what not.

"What the-"

The glass shattered as its pieces went flying. Anim's eyes widen at what has just happened. "How did this happen? Ah!!" He yelled as the wolves pounced on him.

"Wolves!? Here!? What the hell!?" He yelled as he quickly grabbed the ring and tried to bolt his way out of there, dropping everything while doing so. He was about to open the door when one of the wolves attacked him from behind, causing Anim to just fall flat on the floor.

He cursed and wore the ring, lifting the animals in the air and yeeting them out the same window they came in from. He got up and went outside, only to find more wolves. "Why are these wolves suddenly attacking us!?"

"Hell if I know!" Laito yelled from downstairs. Laito was downstairs with the other two triplets as they tried to escape from the horde of wolves as well.

All of them got startled by some wolves just being thrown off the railing and collapse right in front of them. Anim soon jumps down as well.

"How the hell did you manage to kick them off the railing?" Laito asked. "Who said I kicked them?" Anim answered, which left Laito just confused with the response.

"Guys, shut up! We are still having trouble here!" Ayato yelled as he avoided one of the wolves' attacks.

"Wait, where are Subaru and Shu?" Anim asked as he almost got body-slammed. "For your information, Reiji is also not here. But yeah, we don't know," Kanato told them as he started to back up a bit, frowning at the dogs.

Ayato was sick and tired of just standing around and went in to punch one of them, only to be badly hit. The wolf clawed at him as blood started to drip down his chest, staining his clothes.

"Ayato!!" Kanato and Laito yelled at him as he almost got hit by the wolves. Anim panicked a bit when he saw the blood pour down. He wanted to wait a bit more before he told everyone about his new abilities, but it can't be helped now.

The other members of the family gathered in the same place as well, along with many wolves following them, "Is everyone okay?" Reiji asked everyone.

"Yeah, at least for now, I guess" Subaru yelled as he pushed through the door. "Do you think all the wolves are here?" Anim sighed as he looked around.

"Yeah probably. Why do you ask?" Shu asked as he looked at the boy. Anim took a deep breath. He knew this would exhaust him a lot because there were almost 15 wolves surrounding them.

Anim made the wolves lift in the air as he captured them tightly in one place while they were still levitating. The wolves were heavy and seemed to be more powerful than normal.

"What the fuck?" everyone asks, their eyes widening as they look at the boy. "How are you doing that?" Ayato questioned the boy, who appeared to be struggling to stand up straight.

"Just!-- Just tell me something to turn them into!" He yelled as his arms grew weak, "And please be specific about it!"

"I, uh, Dicks," Laito explained as Anim just gave him a glare. "NO!" he yelled as the wolves appeared to be getting down.

"Apples???" Kanato watched as Anim nodded and flicked his wrist. The wolves turned into apples as Anim broke his hold on them. The apples came crashing down as Anim also lost his balance and fell on his knees.

"Anim!" Shu ran up to him and supported the boy, forcing him to rest in his arms as he looked at the tired expression on his face. "Is he alright!?" Subaru came running up to him as well, as he looked at his face.

"No. His body seems to be getting warmer. Shu frowned slightly as Anim weakly shook his head, "no... I... I am fine... Please wait a minute..."He told them as he tried to stand up again. "Like hell you are!!! What the hell did you think you were doing!?" Subaru yelled as Anim just looked down.

"Ha.. I guess we weren't expecting this little surprise." They all heard a voice, coming from a wolf as he leapt out of the window.

"What the hell just happened...?"Ayato muttered as he looked around; everyone carried the same confusion.


Reiji raised his glasses as he looked at the surroundings, saying, "These wolves were looking for something. I am sure of it."

"But what exactly..." Kanato asked. "Could it be...?"

"Yes. It could be that what they were looking for was Yui... But they didn't find her here," Reiji said as Ayato raised his head, "so where is she?!?"

"At the Mukami residence..." Anim muttered as he seemed to be getting back some of his consciousness, still feeling like his whole body was going to burn int ashes. He was leaning on a wall while also being supported by Shu.

"Why!?" Ayato yelled, and Anim just frowned more as his voice basically gave him a headache. "Look. She was needed there more.... They were also attacked by wolves, and one of them got badly injured."

"That doesn't mean you're going to let her go!"

"But I did..."

Ayato clinched his fist as he went out of the house in a hurry. "I don't suggest you go out. The Lunar Eclipse is going to start any minute, and it's dangerous outside." Shu warned as Ayato just looked at everyone.

"I don't know about you guys, but Yui is out there, and I will protect her! Regardless of whether she is with someone or not!" He yelled as he ran out of the house.

As Anim watched him leave, his eyes widened at the statement."Did he just address her by her given name?"He whispered before feeling a sharp pain hit his senses.

"Are you feeling alright...?" Shu asked as he looked down at the boy, "Honesty, no... I feel like I'll... be collapsing any minute now." He spoke as he rubbed his forehead.

"Right. We would have a word after everything is recovered." Reiji pushed up his glasses as he looked at the weak boy.

"Ah yeah. Right... Shit." Anim's famous last words before he just fainted, and God knows what happened after that.


"Ho, for fucks sake..."

"Why hello, Anim? We meet again."

Anim groaned as he saw the man in the white suit once again. "You seem displeased to see me," Karl said as Anim nodded.

"I... I suppose I'm just trying. I don't want to hear that something went wrong, or that something is about to go wrong, or that I don't know, I don't care about the wolves" Anim began as he began to speak more about all of his problems, and Karl simply widened his eyes at the outburst.

Anim took a sigh and looked at Karl. "Wow, you look surprised."

"That's because not everyone just dumps their hearts out to the demon king."

"Well, welcome to the world of Anim Kurushimi."

"Ah... Funny"

"I know, right?"

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