Ch 17: *ps, I forgot how to name Chapters again.

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Anim placed the ring back down on the desk, getting ready to finally go to bed and observe Yui's dream once again. The tree doesn't seem to be growing even a single bit, and for some reason, that worried him.

Anim lay down on his bed as he let himself travel into Yui's consciousness. He saw and found... Well, Yui is still asleep. "Huh.. So she isn't here yet." He sighed as he just sat on the floor and waited for her to come.

"I see you used my ring today."

"AH WHAT THE F- ho. Hello Mr. Karl" Anim went through two different emotions within two seconds. The man in White suit, White flowing hair and glasses stood behind him with a smile.

Anim got up as he dusted off his clothes and asked, "What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked up at the tall figure. "Ho, I just wanted to see if you enjoyed turning the time around."

Anim gulped as he scratched the back of his neck, "Well, it was kind of cool. But I also did it for a really small and selfish reason... So.. Yeah"

"If you define that as selfish, then I wonder how you would define my deeds." Karl chuckled as he stood with him, watching the tree.

"Well, Mr. Karl, can I ask you a few questions?" Anim looked up at him as the older man gave him a hum of approval. "Why... does your magic not work on me? Like, when you try to perform it on me, they fail. Why?"

"Your special Anim, or better yet, your mother, was special. Her blood prevented her from being affected by any kind of magic in the world. Mine just being one of them.

"So. It was just there? for no reason?"

"Sometimes there is no need for a reason for something to happen. Everything is not black and white, Anim." Karl smiled as he watched Yui's body wake up and look up once again at Tree.

"Hmm... Well, okay then..." Anim nodded and asked, "Why did you give me half of your abilities? I know you want to make me your test subject and stuff, but like, why?"

"Hm... felt like it. Besides, I like to observe humans. Equipping you, who already has abilities, with some of my powers, I don't think that would be wasteful."

"In a way, we are similar; our actions are driven by the situation around us," Karl spoke as he looked at Anim, "the only difference being that I use my abilities to reach an outcome that is best suited for me.... You use your abilities to reach an outcome that is best for the people around you and also to fool around a little bit."

Anim looked up at Karl and asked, "Is that a bad thing?" Karl just closed his eyes and shook his head, "Not necessarily."

"I see..." Anim nodded. "Your wired, Mr. Karl,"

"That's rude"

"What you gonna do? Kill me?"


"I know right."


What in Harry Potter shit was he even doing? Or Doctor Strange Shit, man, he didn't know; he was just having fun making things flot in the air like it's no one's business.

Yes, shapeshifting and the time thing were cool, but this was better. Anim didn't have to take his hands out to wash the dishes in the cold, like- Hello? That's literally the best thing anyone could ever have.

But of course he couldn't just perform it out in the open. So he has to do the dishes himself, sadly. But he did make his observations: his body still got tired the heavier the object, the more abstract the shifting, or the more time he wanted to go back to.

Anim didn't particularly change time for everyone; he just made it for specific objects. So yeah, that's that. He sighed a little since he really did like these abilities, but he also didn't know what to do with them.

Whatever it is, they may come in handy someday. He took the ring off his finger and placed it in his pocket as he walked up the stairs of the mansion. At a distance, he saw Ruki pull Yui towards him.

Anim hid in the corner as he watched what they were doing, and he noticed the frustrated expression Ruki carried. He lowered his head, looking like he would bite down on Yui harshly.

But he didn't; he stopped.

Maybe he even hesitated a bit as he looked at her and into her eyes. "Ruki..?" Yui called out to him as Ruki just snapped out of his thoughts; he lets go of her and begins to walk away and into his room.

Yui didn't understand what just happened, and neither did Anim. Something felt off about him, like he was disturbed and confused about what he was doing.

That... didn't look like a good sign.


The next day came, and everyone was sitting at the dinner table while Azusa went to call Ruki. Yuma and Kou were yelling at each other over some food again.

"Eat your own food first before going on to others!" Yuma yelled, "How about you STOP GETTING IN MY BUSINESS!" Kou yelled as he pointed a fork at Yuma.

"Ladies ladies. Please, let me handle your worries." Anim spoke with an innocent smile as he took the food from Yuma and ate it himself, saying, "Much better, isn't it?"

"Noooooo, that was the last shrimp!" Koi whined as he banged his head on the table, which was followed by Yuma's laugh as he threw an arm around Anim's shoulder. "Serves you right!"

"Why you two- ugh! Couples really have the same thinking." Kou muttered, which was very apparent to Anim as he formed a little blush. "Huh-? Where did that come from?

"come on, it's been there for a while," Kou exaggerated as he looked at Yui, "isn't that right, Machocist Kitty?" Yui just nodded.

"There is no way-look, we are just homies," Anim claimed. "Homies that sometimes drink each other's blood," Yuma claimed. Anim just gasped as he looked at Yuma, "Ugh-no-? It's only a one-way transaction, sir."

"Ho yeah? Well whatever then." Yuma laughed as Anim just pouted, and Kou and Yui chuckled a bit as well when Azusa came back in and sat down. "Azusa? Where is Ruki?" Kou asked as everyone's attention was turned to him.

"He... said he...Didn't want... Any.." Azusa answered, Yui's eyes widening a bit as Yuma and Kou looked at each other, slightly concerned, "He's been in a bad mood lately. Hasn't he?..." Kou spoke as Yuma nodded.

"Did... something....happen?" Azuas asked. Anim looked at Yui and then at the empty seat where Ruki usually sat. "I wonder what is wrong." Yuma spoke as Anim looked down on his food.

"Yeah... I wonder."

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