Ch 8: My Ho My~

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Anim looked at his hand as he sighed in relief, his brun was now fully healed and didn't had any marks left. It was as if each day he was getting better at healing himself, each time getting faster... Maybe it's because he hasn't gotten his blood sucked in a long time.

"Oi, what are you looking at your Tiny hand for huh?" Yuma asked as he crossed his arms and looked down at the boy. "My hands aren't THAT tiny compared to you" Anim huffed.

Yuma raised a brow as he held Anim's hand up and shows the comparison, "I can literally hold both of your hands by just one. Now do you want to test that theory out?" Yuma chuckled as he bought Anim's wrist close to his lips, kissing his finger tips.

Anim blushed notoriously, retreating his hand as looked away from him. "Aw~ Look how red your face is getting~ you imagined it didn't you?" He spoke as lowered himself to Anim's ears.

"Yuma.. Aren't you getting a bit to.. Close?.." Anim asked as began to back up to a wall, Yuma's cold hands holding on to Anim's waist as he lowered himself to his neck.

"Your trembling..." He Whispered, Yuma kissed his neck as Anim felt Yuma's sharp teeth just inches away from drinking his blood. Anim closed his eyes as he raised his hands and he let his fingers tangle into Yuma's hair.

And then Yuma-

"Anim? Animmmmm? Are you awake?"


"What's wrong Anim? You just zoned out while washing the dishes" Anim senses came back to him as he looked at Yui, who was watching him with concern.

"Ho..." Anim touched his neck as he searched for bite marks. "There... There aren't any...?"

"What are you talking about Anim? You have been standing here for 5 minutes now, what's wrong?" Yui asked as she patted Anim's shoulder.

Anim realized the he just daydreamed about Yuma sucking his blood. The reality downed on him as he started to turn into a tomato, Ain't no way he felt that same sensation he felt with Subaru and Shu. And Yuma hasn't even bitten him yet.

Did he really just daydream about this?? Does he enjoys being bitten by these people?? But... But it all felt so real, Anim wanted to see the end of it but he couldn't.

"Anim your blushing" Yui spoke, being all to familiar with that expression. "Did you daydream something wired?" Anim was basically fuming as he suddenly got weak in knees and just sat down, a long whine escaped his lips.

Yui was surprised by the reaction, not really knowing what he saw this time. "Did you have a vision?"

"No.. No.. It- it's better if you just don't know what I saw-" Anim collected himself as he stood up once again and looked at Yui. "Well anyways Little Lady, what ya doin'?" Anim tried acting cool and composed.

Yui smiled at Anim as she chuckled, "well, I guess what I am about to tell you will make you even more happy!" She cheered, "Subaru Asked where you were! Even Shu was with him! They miss you Anim!"

Anim eyes widen as he felt a little happy. He covered he mouth as he looked down, trying not to show too much of his smile. "W-well... What did you reply?"

"Ho. I told them that you are here, at the Mukami household and would coming next week" Yui answered, she nudged Anim a little on corner, "See? I told you three have something something" She chuckled as Anim shoved Yui away, trying to hide his own glee as he washed the dishes.

Suddenly Anim felt a arm warp around Anim's shoulder and a tall fingure leaned over him, "You should have also told those aristocrats that Chimpmunk over here belongs here now. So they can prey off to someone else"

Anim heard Yuma speak, his heart raced once again when he heard that line, "Yuma. We are friends.. And They genuinely are good people" Anim reassured, "Yeah, and Anim doesn't belong here! He gets to choose where he belongs!" Yui spoke.

"This Chimpmunk belongs here. Belongs to me. No questions asked. Those guys are shaddy as hell" Yuma spoke as Anim just sighed, "Yuma, you are thinking too much about it."

"Tch. Whatever" Yuma spoke as he still kept his arms around Anim, now leaving his shoulder and holding on to his waist. Anim definitely didn't mind but his brain also kept shifting to the daydream.

"Ah- well.. Anyways. Yui, are you having.. Like, I don't know, wired dreams lately?" Anim asked, trying to divert the topic and also ask about the strange dream he had.

"Hmm.. Actually I do. It's like... This tree that appears to be flowering now" She answered, "Ah... Do you hear someone speak as well?"

Yui nodded, "what do they say?" He asked, Yui just shook her shoulders, "I.. I never seem to remember it.." Anim hummed as he finished with the dishes. Yuma still hugging around him like a bear.

Yui looked at the two as she chuckled, "Seeing you two likes his reminds me about You and Shu" She chuckled, "You don't say..." Yuma spoke from behind.

The little gay boy.
Started to panic.
Because Yuma's grips on his waist just got slightly tighter, Like a little squeeze which you give to a little plush. "The only difference is that Shu actually got to drink Anim's blood"

"Yui- shut up-" Anim muttered as he slapped Her back, not harshly but still made Yui yelp. "What it's the truth-?"

"Hmm, well if the situation is so similar. Would you let me have a taste..? Anim~" He whispered to his ears, Anim just yelped as started to fumble at his words. "I-I mean- I g-guess-? I-Its just blood after all-"

"Hmm? Looks like you are really desperate for it.. Tell me, do you enjoy being bi--" Anim hit Yuma with a spatula as he got away from his grips. "YOU TWO ARE THE WORST"

Anim yelled as his face was just red. He had enough of being teased and he need a break. He would rather have nightmares then be teasted to death!

"Pufft- sorry- come back! Animmm!" Yui chuckled as she tried calling the boy back but Anim just stomped away with the spatula. Yuma smiled as the boy left. Turning to Yui, he spoke, "Shu is that NEET guy? Right?"

Yui nodded, "yeah.. They both used to be really close from the start.." Yuma nodded, "and.. Who is this Subaru guy?"

"The youngest, Anim somehow managed to get on his soft side... Subaru is hot-headed, kinda short tempered but Anim somehow tore through that attitude and... They became friends..."

"I see... So he is just like that huh?" Yuma chuckled as he started to walk away, "he tore through My wall as well"

Yui gasped as he she heard what Yuma said, "ho my..."

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