Ch 21: *ps. I don't know how to name this chapter as well, but enjoy :)

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reading, and reading, and reading... 
Trying to find a way to cure Yui of this curse or trying to find a way to be well equipped when the eclipse happens. 

Many books and pencils were just floating in the air around him as his thoughts and feelings were all over the place. He didn't even notice the chaos he was causing around him because he was so focused on reading through the heavy literature.

There was a knock on the door as Anim was snapped out of his daze and everything around him crashed down. The person on the other side of the door came in when they heard the crash. 

"What the hell have you been doing up so late, huh?" Subaru yelled as he looked inside. "And look what a mess you have made! Why are you so keen on reading all this so suddenly?" He asked as he picked one of the books up. 

Anim got up from his chair as he started to pick up the book and pens that were on the floor now; he was tired. not sure if it was due to his sleepiness or exhaustion, probably both. 

"Why are you reading about magic stuff?" Subaru asked as he handed Anim the book. "... No reason.." 

"You did the same thing last time as well when you were finding out about your parents." 


"So I was right; come on. What are you doing?" 


"Don't say drugs."

"Then... You-" 

"Uh-huh, real funny. Thought, I don't mind trying that out" 

Anim had his cheeks red as he walked away to place the books down on the desk; suddenly, he left a hug from behind, holding him close as a head rested on his shoulder. "Anim. Just tell me, what are you up to?" 

Anim blushed even more because of the cute act, "Damn you, you are such a softy. Trying to make me spill the tea by acting all fluffy" He held his hand out as he patted Subaru's head, "I am not a softy" he mumbled. 

"Ah yes, and I am an angel," Anim chuckled as Subaru just raised his head and looked at him, "but you are.... at least to me." 

"H-ho-" Well, both guys were blushing mess because of that single comment. "It's not like I only think that! Y-Yui must think of you as an angel as well!" Subaru quickly lets go of Anim as he crosses his arms and looks away from him. 

"Anyways, go rest or something; if I see the lights on again, I'll strangle you on the bed!" Subaru began to walk away, but his hand was held back by Anim. "Wait!" 

"What!" Subaru looked back at Anim and said, "You're my angel as well!" Anim smiled at him, still having a bit of rosy cheeks as he let go of his hand. Subaru blushes madly before he hurries out of the room. Anim chuckled as he watched him leave. 

Now that Subaru has told him to rest, he can't deny it, can he? A fluffy feeling in my chest was just tingling away. Since his emotions were a bit out of place, the things around him began to float again. Anim took note of this as he placed them down. 

"So my emotions will make my abilities act on the surroundings, huh? ...interesting" 


Anim looked out the window as he looked at the moon; it still wasn't a full moon yet, meaning it was still time for vampires to lose their strength..... And eventually the ring he carried. 

He entered a room, peeking his head in as he greeted the raven-haired man standing in front. "Hello Reiji, can I borrow your lab things for a bit?" He asked politely. 

A Side Character. (Diabolik Lovers xM!OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang