Ch 1. Normal Life? Who?

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Another afternoon.
Another school day.
And another day, Anim almost threw his slipper at Ayato. For good reasons only, no shade.

"Anim, you have to stop doing that." Ayato huffed as Anim and the other brothers sat in the living room.

"I won't let anyone drink Yui's blood in front of me, If you don't follow that, then you will get the slipper. Ayato, there is no in-between" Anim spoke as he drank some juice from his juice box, while Ayato just groaned in frustration. "Then give me your blood if you have so much trouble with it!"

"Do you want me to die?" He already feeds two people; he doesn't have super-strong blood like Yui's to feed another one. "Even if I do, it won't be you." Anim claimed that Ayato just pouted and sat with his arms crossed.

Well, hello everyone.
This is Anim Kurushimi.
The Sakamaki family's only sami-okay member.He has been living with the bloodthirsty vampires for quite some time, along with his best friend Yui. And since everything is now calm, this was just the usual happening in the Sakamaki household.

Everyone in the living room was just waiting for Yui to come down because SOMEONE had blood cravings in the early morning. And counting the additional time it took for Anim to actually drag Ayato out of Yui's room, yeah, they were getting pretty damn late.

"I am here! sorry." Yui finally came down as she apologized, "Well, it was about time!" Anim got up from the couch as he began walking to the car and threw his juice box into the trash.

"Anim wait.." Yui gripped Anim's sleeve as she lowered him slightly and he inquired, "What is it?"

"I had a strange dream today. I just wanted to ask about it. "Could you help me with that later?" She whispered in his ear, and Anim just nodded, "Sure!" I'll look into that during lunch, okay? Now let's go before that pidgin starts to get impatient.


"I am talking about Reiji, hun."



Anim wished he could say that the car ride was normal, but it wasn't. Of course it wasn't; everyone was arguing about the morning incident. It made Anim's head hurt, but he didn't really want to butt into it as well.

It was as if everyone on Twitter was debating whether cereal should go in the milk first or later. The answer was obviously straightforward: ketchup, milk, and then cereal, obviously.

"You all are so noisy..." Shu mumbled, as he too was getting annoyed by the arguing. Anim simply stared down at his ring as he played with it; the ring was his favourite past time when he was bored, as well as a great tool for reading into someone's consciousness without touching them or falling asleep; he wouldn't have known if his mother hadn't mentioned it in the diary.

"You still wear that ring?" Subaru leaned in, curious why Anim was so quiet today. "Mhm, it was made just for me after all," he said. "And it's a good way to pass the time when y'all are talking about things I don't care about." Anim answered.

"My, so straightforward as always~" Laito commented as he rested his head on his palm and looked over at Anim. "Nah, I just feel kind of listless."

"Maybe staying with Shu has started to rub off on you."

"Hmmm, it's not necessarily a bad thing?"

"No, it definitely isn't."

Subaru sat in the middle, listening to everything because it was unavoidable, while Anim and Laito chatted away. Shu, on the corner, getting frustrated by the noise even more, reached his hand out and made Anim lay back and shut up.

"Ah... haha, sorry." Anim answered as he patted the boy's arm, which would have almost chocked him. Shu just hummed in response.

"My ho my~" Laito chuckled. Subaru made Shu let go of Anim, making him once again sit properly.

"Ho my ho my!" Laito chuckled once again as he looked at the three. "I see favouritism over here~" He spoke as he eyed both Subaru and Shu, which were also ignored harshly.

"Everyone just sit silently," Reiji said, pushing his glasses up.

This was normal.

until it wasn't normal anymore and the car took off.
and that's without even a sip of Red Bull!

"Ho shi-" was the only thing Anim could think of before getting out of the car. He saw the car swing and crash onto a tree, then explode as both the tree and car went down in flames. On second thought, maybe the "red bull" joke wasn't the best thing to say in this situation.

"Are you okay?" Subaru asked as he held Anim and made him stand on his feet. Anim nodded as Shu also came up to the boy and checked him out; he didn't say anything but still made sure that Anim was alright. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realised nothing had happened to him.

Everyone watched the car crash, all confused as to why it happened so suddenly. "Was it an accident?" "Don't be fooled—it certainly wasn't," Reiji replied, keeping his finger on his chin. "Then who would do this?" She asked.

"Maybe it's people over there~" Laito pointed up a hill as everyone's attention was now drawn to the four fiestas. Four males stood there; Anim could only see their silhouettes and insinuated, "Dayam. They're kinda...kinda fine"

He was then given glares by both the youngest and oldest brother, prompting him to back up and walk away to stand beside Yui. Anim adjusted his glasses to get a proper look at the boys, but he wasn't able to properly see their faces. although he was able to hear one of the guys utter "Eve." It seemed like Yui heard that word as well, because Anim heard a instent yelp from the girl.

Eve, as in the Biblical Eve? or was Anim just tripping right now? After all, Eve can be anyone's name; not every Eve is the Bible Eve; that would be stupid. The Nightmares of the Church stories are clearly attempting to make Anim trip. He wished that was the case because the guy spoke about Eve once again, and Yui just held on to Anim's arm and hid behind him. "I heard that voice," she murmured.

"You... You have?" Surely Anim was tripping, but it didn't take a genius to connect two and two together. "you...You mean your dream?" Anim whispered to her as she nodded. By now the guys were gone, and the others were just talking about something like how they were half-bloods or something. Meanwhile, Anim was freaking out because his guess was correct; both of them were just talking about what Yui saw in the dream because no one was paying attention to them.

Anim hummed at hearing Yui's statement about what she saw in her little dream. "You mean to tell me... you saw an apple tree... and someone called you Eve... and that person also called you Eve?" Yui nodded.

"right... right..." Anim said as he nodded, looked at the burning car, rested one hand on his side, and sighed. "I guess it's about time we go on another rollercoaster ride,"

A Side Character. (Diabolik Lovers xM!OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora