Ch 6: A Little Talk

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Anim was rooming around the house again, because what else could he do? He had nothing to do, he didn't see any visions about anything usual, and Anim truly felt like a side character now. which he might be in one way or another. 

It didn't really help that he was staying up late. a lot later than he actually should. Anim walked into the kitchen to warm some milk up and hope for the best. He stood on the counter as he warmed the milk, thinking whether or not Shu and Subaru were worried about him. No, not just him, but Yui as well. He didn't hate the Mukamis, but at least now that he knew some of their past, their behaviour and attitude were understandable. 

"What are you doing here, chipmunk?" Anim turned his head to look at the tall figure, "Ho... just wasn't able to sleep." He answered, "That's understandable; you slept for 3 hours today, and even more if I actually thought about it." 

"you have a brain to think? I thought it was all meat," Anim chuckled as he heard a Tch from Yuma. "Well, why aren't you asleep, huh?" 

Yuma remained silent as he leaned on the counter, and Anim looked at Yuma as he waited for an answer. The kitchen lights weren't lit up; the only source of light that made everything somewhat visible was the light from the night sky. The glow of the moon made its way inside from the tiny window as it reflected upon the two. "Why... what would you do if I told you?"

Anim hummed at the question: "Nothing, actually. But.. maybe you would just be able to let that burden off your shoulders" He smiled as he looked up at the tall man. Yuma was surprised by that answer; he would have questioned the credibility of that statement but just sighed. "Okay... Just don't laugh..." 

Anim nodded as he poured the milk into a cup and put the dishes away, "I had a nightmare.." Yuma mumbled. "The repeating kind or the random kind?" Anim askedde as he sat on the counter and drank the hot liquid. "repeating kind. I just see this: Fire burning the village, and every time I see it, it just makes me feel like..." 

"That it's real..? like it's not just a random dream"

Yuma looked at Anim; the boy carried an expression of concern as he was just looking at the guy. Anim looked down as he played with his ring. "I understand... The only reason I was able to find out about my dead parents was because of these dreams. Little did I know I was recovering my memories before dying."

"you.. what..?" Yuma questioned as Anim just shook his head and said, "Let's save that story for another day." 

Anim finished his drink and placed it in the sink. Yuma just frowned his brows as he started to sense a sweet-sour scent in the air, soon realising it came from the boy who was casually sitting on the counter and looking out the window and towards the moon. It was beyond Yuma's understanding to know why Anim was the way he was. He was just so friendly to everyone, sometimes acting like a little brat. But he also held this sense of comfort around himself. 

"Why are you like this?" Yuma asked, and Anim turned his head toward him as he chuckled, "Something I borrowed from my mother, I guess. Father wrote in his diary that Mother was just too cheerful and carefree, which worried him for some time but soon made him understand that it was just her charm.

"Ah, I see... Does this wired ability come from your mother as well?" Anim nodded to the question. Both of them chatted some more; only God knows how long they actually talked about each other without calling each other names. Yuma at some point held on to Anim's hand where the cuts were. Surprised to see the cuts gone, Anim explained why they were gone so quickly. To which Yuma was impressed and also thought that it was quite an unfair advantage for him. 



"Are you feeling better?" 

"Hmm. A little." 

"We can talk about it next time if it happens again." 

"What are you? A therapist?" 

"pufft- No. Did you hear me give you any advice? like, "Ho Mr. Mukami, you shall drink some lavender tea to get you better!" Anim suddenly adopted a British accent, which threw Yuma off guard, and he laughed. Anim laughed with him, knowing how ridiculous he sounded. 

They only knew each other for a few days, but maybe their little talk was enough to at least start a foundation for a great friendship—or maybe more? Who knows? Life is known to be unpredictable with its shifts and turns. 


"he. did. WHAT"

"Please don't yell, Anim." 

"He-Bro, He Left You On The Floor?" 

Anim was just having a casual chat with Yui about her days with the Mukamis, and it really surprised him how drastically different things Yui saw compared to what he saw. Though he never properly interacted with Kou and Ruki, he probably wouldn't want to, considering what he heard just now. Azuas and Yuma also didn't behave, but I guess it's a bit mild. The blood-sucking part was present in everything, which he wasn't suspicious of. 

Both of them talked at the dinner table as Anim tried his best not to just throw the water mug out the window. Yui bit her lip as she tried to tell Anim that he didn't need to worry about it. "OI!" someone yelled. 

Yuma came into the room along with Azuas and asked, "Why the hell are you screaming?"

"Because, Mr. I am frustrated, like, Come on, Kou left you on the floor yesterday, and you didn't tell me? What were you thinki--" Anim was suddenly shut off by Yuma shoving a sugar cube in his mouth. Anim almost choked but ate it anyways. "Now calm down. We have to go to school." 

"We do?" Yui questioned, and Ruki and Kou entered the room as Ruki placed down Yui's dress. "Well, after thinking, only Eve would be going with us; Anim can come next week." Anim stood up as he looked at Ruki, "What?" why?" 

"So Eve doesn't run away." Even if she did, she would have to come back for you," Ruki told as he crossed his arms. Anim was in awe; that was a smart move for all he knew, but also so unsettling. "No questions. no buts. Eve, go change."

"And I would be left alone here?"

"yes. The area is surrounded by forest, so you won't be able to run away either."

Anim sat back down, he really was powerless here. So, he just took a deep breath as he nodded. Ruki, surprised that he actually agreed to this, nodded his head as he told everyone to walk to the car. 

Sometime passed, and Anim came to the front door to say goodbye to them, especially Yui. Anim waved at everyone leaving as he sighed. "Hay, chipmunk!" Yuma called out as Anim looked up. 

"There are some cherry tomatoes in the fridge. Eat them whenever you like." Anim's eyes widen slightly as he realises Yuma just walked away. Yuma didn't look back; he just closed the door behind him as Anim was left all alone in the mansion. 

Anim did smile a bit to himself at what the taller male said, but then the realisation that he was just here to keep Yui trapped was ....a hard pill to swallow.... 

A Side Character. (Diabolik Lovers xM!OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora