Ch 10: Falling off the deep end

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"So this is what you call doing vodo shit." Anim murmured to himself as he sat on the bed with a knife. His breath shook a bit as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do. 
He remembers reading in his mother's diary that if he ever wished to look into someone's consciousness without being stuck by the physical barriers, or travel into the consciousness of anyone without directly being in contact... 
He has to, and it will sound cringeworthy... Because it is-
He has to basically cut a ring on his finger where he wears the ring and then put the ring back on, letting it soak. "Mother, if this doesn't work, I'll dig you out of your grave." He prayed and still went with it. 
"What did my mother even have to do to know this? Then again, how will I ever explain 'this' situation to anyone?" Anim held the knife as he made the cuts, biting his lips as he did so. 
The blood dripped down his fingers as he wore the ring. It was painful, really very painful. Having a deep cut that went around his finger and placing the ring on it directly was the most painful thing he had ever done. 
The downside to this is that the cut will not heal. It will heal at a much slower rate than even a normal person would, and he will have the same continuous pain sting him until it completely heals. 
Anim, upon first reading that passage, thought, "Haha, this is stupid; why would anyone ever do that?" "Mother is so silly."
"I think I jinxed myself that day." He sighs as he starts to feel druzy, and he rests his head back on the bed frame as he collapses. 
"What sort of insanity route was this...?" Anim held his forehead as he finally finished seeing Ruki and Kou's childhood. Particularly Ruki's. 
Why did these children have to suffer this much pain? Hell if he knows. But he finally got to the part where they finally managed to escape and fully make out what their deal was.
Anim stood right behind the kids and looked around to see who Karl Heinz was. And he did show up—a man wearing a suit with black hair and blue eyes—nothing special looking either. He made the Mukami brothers into vampires and made them seal a deal. 
The Mukami brothers think they will forever owe Karl Heinz because he gave them life. Anim had some understanding of why the brothers think so highly of this guy... And they would get their work done, no matter what it took.
Anim walked forward and tried to touch Karl so he could directly look into his consciousness. Anim successfully managed to hop into the new state and looked around the several doors presented in front of him. "Ho... ho my..." It was like a never-ending wall of memories from the past. 
If only they were labelled "Adam's project here," then it would have been way more convenient. Anim was just looking through the door, opening it, then closing it, then walking over to some other one and repeating the process. 
"How can someone have so many memories...?" I forget what I had for breakfast this morning, and this guy over here is sitting with a thousand doors." Anim cursed as he opened a door and saw something he might not have wanted to see. 
"... F.. Father...?" Anim's muscles relaxed as he just watched his father and some guy with white hair and glasses talk to his father with joy. At least he hopes so.
"Why, hello there, what might you be doing here?" Someone spoke from behind as Anim jumped in surprise. He looked back and saw the same long white hair and glasses dude, staring down at Anim with a smile on his face. 
This was concerning. 
This guy knew he was here. This guy was standing behind him while simultaneously sitting in his memories as well. "W-who are you?" Anim asked as he stepped back. 
"Who do you think?" The man put his hands behind his back as he counter-questioned him. "You are a smart child, so come on, I am sure it's not that hard to figure out." He basically sang. 
Anim gave it a thought and looked up once again, "Karl... Heinz.." 
"I knew you were a smart child. Never thought to see you here so early," Karl said, as his attention went to what was happening behind Anim. "Ah! Mr. Kurushimi, my longtime friend Such a good man he was; unfortunately, my wife killed him," Karl said as he chuckled. 
"Yeah.. Funny." 'I will punch this guy.'
Anim's eyes diverted as he was going to hop away because he wasn't blind and saw 10 different red flags flying over the guy's head. 
Karl reached his hand out and held Anim's arm back, smirking, "Trying to run away now are we? How cute of you to think you can do that!" Karl spoke as he dragged the boy out of the room and held his grip on his arm. "Now, I am sure you are looking for many answers, and I assure you, I can answer every single one of them." 
"You.. you would.." Anim now saw 11 red flags. Anim snatched his arm back as he rubbed the spot. Karl turned his head back to look down at the boy, "What's... What's the catch? ", Anim asked. 
Karl began to laugh, and Anim could only watch in horror. He should have never come here. "Of course. You are the Kurushimi's child after all. No doubt that any amount of sweetness and manipulation doesn't work on you." 
"What... What do you mean by that? Did you try to manipulate my parents?" 
"Several times, actually, but your mother somehow always broke away from each and every attempt... She would have been a perfect test subject, just like my other wives... Maybe even better?" 
"Test Subject... You wifes...?" Anim watched in horror as Karl placed a hand on his side and let Anim figure it out on his own. "Cordelia, Beatrix, and Christa were your wives... Your test subjects." 
Karl clapped as he nodded his head, "Good! You might be smarter than your mother. It took an awfully long amount of time for her to figure out that I was just using her good friend Christa."
"They were friends...?"
"Till death to do them apparat, friends, and oops, death did do them apparat," Karl laughed. 
"That.. wasn't funny." 
"Aw, don't worry." When you grow older, you will start to realise how many more things are funny and meaningless.
"Silence doesn't suit you. Now come, I'll answer your questions about this... world I have created."
"How do I know that you will not suddenly kill me here?"
"Because my magic and abilities are all powerless against you."
"Well, isn't that funny and continent." 
"Ho, I know it is." 

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