Foolish Magic

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The ceremony for ending our Senior year was a bit hectic. All Spellcasters were bound to help arrange the venues and make protective barriers. I was always at a disadvantage because my innate magic was high but my spellcasting skills were low.

We were dressed in white and unlike the other schools, our uniforms were formal with pants and white sleeves topped with a vest. "You sure want to help? heh, we won't help you if you faint, loser." That was Phayu, today, he started the bickering between him and Rain.

Yesterday, it was also he who started. I wonder if we can finish making barriers today.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you try me? Cheater!" I heard the same line every day with their mouths but at some point, the way they think had changed a bit, for example...

Phayu: [Tsk! How can he use his power when he is so tiny?!]

Rain: [As if I will retreat because he's a little bigger than me! Hmp!]

Well, I guess I'm wrong. Nothing changed. They still don't like each other. Even in their thoughts, they were fighting.

Phayu rode on his stick and moved up while looking down at Rain, his mouth was murmuring as his wand was moving, suddenly there was a dark cloud above Rain's head and water started to pour!

In his stunned state, Rain stood in his place and after a second, he raised his head, rode his stick, and shouted, "Phayuuuuu!!!!" The stick flew at the fastest speed, and after a minute, dark clouds with thunder also appeared above Phayu's head. In a minute, snow pour down on Rain and in a minute, a strong wind blew on Phayu.

In their chase, Rain caught Phayu's stick, pulling it towards him planning to make Phayu fall as he prepared mud below but will Phayu allow it? Of course not!

Phayu also grabbed Rain's stick and pulled it towards him and their faces met. It was fortunate that even if Rain's clothes were drenched in water the vest still covered his body.

[... cute]

Suddenly, both sticks turned into vines and the two fell into the mud. "Phayu, Rain... to the office, now!"

Two people covered in mud walked out of the door, elbowing each other and blaming each other. Oh, but who said cute? I was not able to know since the teacher spoke at the same time.

After three hours, the two returned, they were clean and quiet but their minds were noisy and aggrieved. They stood on opposite ends, casting spells to make barriers. All the students around were peeking at them wondering what happened inside the office.

Only I knew about it cause only I can hear their thoughts.

Rain: [He's too much! He knew that I'm afraid of it...]

Phayu: [I did not even hurt him. Why cry?]

Rain: [Next time...]

Phayu: [Next time...]

My nosy self was not contented with what I heard so, I walked towards Rain and brushed his shoulder gently. This was enough for me to see what happened. Yes, my magic upgraded and I can now see a glimpse of the past.

Cool, right?

"Phayu, Rain... you're both top but you acted like the bottom of the class." The teacher was leaning on the table, both legs crossed, and his face showed irritation, "you disrupt the work of the other students."

"... I'm... I'm the only top." Rain spoke in his tiny voice afraid that the teacher will get more irritated.

Phayu snickered hearing what he said, "You're small and weak, how can you top?"

"How does being small matter? I already top a few more times than you!"

The teacher raised his brow, expression more annoyed than before, "I'm still here but you started bickering again."

"I'm sorry, teacher," Phayu said making Rain turn his head toward him. The first to apologize always gets the teacher's sympathy and as expected the teacher said, "En. Two hours of cleaning for Phayu, three hours of cleaning for Rain."

Dropping his head, Phayu looked at Rain and smiled teasingly.

The defeated Rain can't speak up lest the teacher adds more hours to his already three hours of punishment.

But... if Phayu was only punished for two hours, why did they come together? The flashback continued in my mind. The punishment that the teacher was talking about and the students were afraid of was the gigantic library in the east.

The library had ten floors and was round in shape. Dusty and full of cobwebs, cold, and only a small sound will already create an echo. "You go first," said Rain making way for Phayu to pass.

But the mighty Phayu did not move but gestured back instead, "You have three hours, you go first."

Rain looked at him and looked at the inside of the library before taking a deep breath, "Fine, coward." He took a step inside, his limbs trembling. Rain was scared but it was reasonable since the library was truly scary.

In the tip of his wand, a fire ignited giving him a hand to find the torch inside. When he lighted one torch, all other torches lit on their own but it was still not enough to see the whole place. They needed to clear the webs and dust without using their magic or spells, a true punishment indeed.

Walking towards the center to start sweeping, a mouse sounded and crawled on his feet, "Ahhhhh!!!" he jump and jump to avoid the mouse but the mouse was panicking as well, "gone... be gone.. gone!" In his fear, he forgot the spell to make the mouse vanish or to make a barrier on his body.

When the mouse left, a spider unexpectedly dropped in front of him still clinging to the web. "Ahhh, spider! Ahhhhhh!!!" He waved his wand towards the spider but the spider cling to his wand instead!

Throwing away his wand, he held the broom with both hands and slam it on the floor making sure not to hit the spider. He wanted to scare it away so it will leave. "Shooo... shoo!" His tears started to fall and his body was trembling.

"Not the spider, not the spider..." he slumped on the floor holding onto his knees not even wanting to touch his wand.

Outside the door, Phayu was also trembling... trembling as he suppressed his laughter when he heard the scream of Rain inside. His eyes tear up with the fun he gave to himself. After the scream, no sound was heard again.

Wondering why, Phayu hesitantly entered the library, "I'm going to start my two hours," he said but his eyes were searching for someone. "Where should I start?" Still, his eyes kept on searching but he had not found Rain.

When he decided to call for the teacher he heard a sob in the dark corner and a low murmur, "spider... spider..." lighting a fire in his wand, Phayu illuminated the dark corner and saw Rain crouching with a face full of tears and shaking.


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