[Chapter 33: Losing Interest...?]

Start from the beginning

"I guess that's my cue to leave." Rose smiled in amusement, giving all three of you a gentle wave after Stu had brought you into a tender embrace too.

"Thanks for keeping her company." Choosing his words carefully, Stu turned his attention over to Rose and acted as charmingly as he possibly could; clearly trying to win her over and defuse the bizarre bombshell that had been thrown between themselves and the rest of your friends.

"Hey, anytime." She teasingly joked, echoing your words from earlier before beginning to walk away.

"I'll text you soon...!" You hastily called after her, praying that she hadn't judged Billy or Stu's...overly loving personality traits.

"Okey-dokey...!" Rose reassured you with a playful nod, her non-judgemental attitude calming you down and reminding you that at least her and Cadence weren't as suspicious as your other two friends. At least not as much, anyway.

"So how are you feeling today, (Y/n)...?" Stu inquired sweetly; cradling the right side of your face with the left palm of his hand and tilting your cheek in his direction, so that he could lovingly press his lips against yours straight afterwards.

"Yeah, wassup? You feelin' alright?" Billy piped up after Stu had unexpectedly kissed you.

"O-Oh, uh...u-um...Yeah..." You stammered in shock, slightly stunned by Stu's...intimate gesture, and struggling to hide your surprise. "How about you guys...? Is everything okay with you two...?"

"We're just fine, thanks." Stu pleasantly answered, watching Billy suddenly grow extremely emotional and clasp both of his hands over his mouth - tears pricking at either side of his eyes.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry...! I didn't mean to upset you...!" You panicked frantically, worrying over Billy's mental state again and wondering what you did to set him off. "I was only trying to be considerate, and carry on the conversation—"

"O-Oh, Stu...S-Stu...did you...did you hear that...!?" Billy bursted out dramatically, trembling from your next response and causing you to feel even more uncomfortable. "S-She was...She was trying to show us consideration...! U-US...! O-Out of...Out of ALL people...!"

"She certainly was." Stu agreed in a caring tone of voice, comforting his friend by rubbing Billy on the shoulder and stifling an amused laugh. "Told you she cares about you, mate."

"Woah, woah, woah, now WAIT just a minute...!" You interrupted anxiously, your eyes widening at Stu's comment while also feeling put on the spot. "I never said that I liked or disliked ANYBODY...! Did...Did you two think that I hated you or something...?"

"Of course not." Stu told the truth with a soothing expression, nudging Billy's side and trying to keep the conversation from becoming too awkward. "We knew before we'd even introduced ourselves in the Uni's cafeteria that you'd fall in love with us and become our girlfriend. We knew for a fact. It was almost like...almost like fate."

"O-Oh...Was it...?" You timidly mumbled, averting your eyes and feeling highly uneasy.

"Uh-huh...! It was almost like...almost like DESTINY...!" Billy chimed in adoringly, clutching his chest with both hands and losing control of how overjoyed he truly was.

"I...I see..." Stumbling over what to say, your grasp on your backpack's strap tightened; your self-conscious mindset steadily increasing whilst you thought over how to respond to something that unstable and disturbing. "Well uh, why don't we just walk home now...? Keep standing around the entrance gates like this and it'll start getting late, y'know...?"

"She's got a point, Billy. You wouldn't want our beautiful (Y/n) catching a cold, now would you?" Stu pointed out protectively, curling one arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him in the process.

"Obviously...! That goes without saying...!" Billy sourly snapped back at him, sounding unbelievably hurt, by not only Stu's sly comment - but also the side-cuddle at the same time. "The FUCK are you trying to say...!?"

"Why, nothing. It's just that you were starting to act like you were slowly losing interest in (Y/n)'s...overall health state." Stu angelically continued, his spiteful comment throwing you off immediately. "You're not losing interest, now are you~?"

His Infatuation - Slashers x Reader [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now