28: Black space, the second half

Start from the beginning

"..! It worked! Thanks Eclipse.. man Rainbow gives the best advice sometimes.." she always does.


"CALM DOWN. CALM DOWN. calm down. Down.. calm down" he repeats to himself, as you turn to him again. Your eyes slightly widen at the amount of spiders on him this time, there seemed to be about ten. You rush towards him to smack the spiders away from him, after shooing all the spiders away, you continue walking. Do you have anything on you or something? Something that interests spiders?? You ask Draco, who just shrugs.


"SPIDERS. SPIDERS ECLIPSE. ECLIPSE, I CANT CALM DOWN. THERES TOO MANY. ECLIPSE. ECLIPSE!!!!" you turn around, he said this two minutes ago.. and you still- oh. You've been called to smack spiders off him five times now.. this was about to be your six but.. there's way too many on him. The spiders walk all over him, and the only part that isn't mostly habited by spiders in his face. Where.. he stares in horror, suddenly he flinches.

"..dude, dude.. DUDE THEY'RE BITING ME- THERES TOO MANY. I CAN'T GET THEM OFF- I CAN'T FRICKING CALM DOWN. ECLIPSE.. ECLIPSE HELP ME, HELP ME PLEASE!!!" His eyes fill with tears as he looses balance and falls to the ground, you jump away from him.. staring as he tries to block out the pain he's feeling.. you see blood oozing out.

"..Eclipse.. please.. help me.."
Are the last words you here from him, as he slowly but surely disintegrates into the floor. Forcing the spiders to scatter away, looking for a new host. Luckily enough, they all seemed to ignore you. Which is good.. you don't know what you'll do if all those spiders... Yuck. Sorry Draco, couldn't save you in time.

A tap on your shoulder.. a red hand! It grips onto your hand, as it leads you away to the closest door. Bye bye Draco, it was fun.


How did you stumble across an elevator? You don't know, all you saw was a tall tall wooden building with the only room in it being an elevator.. so obviously you entered it. After about a few minutes, you finally reach the top of it. Exiting out, you're hit with a breeze of air. How relaxing. The top of the building was more bigger than you expected with the wooden floor being wide, wide enough to not only have a hopscotch diagram sketched into the wood.. but a treehouse too!! The only problem with the treehouse.. is that the tree is dead. Well.. that was understandable of course, how's would a tree get its nutrients when it's connected to literal wood?

You notice something on the hopscotch diagram.. looking closer.. you see.. a key! Nice.. you pick it up as you fiddle around with it.. alright! Time to go- "Oh my god- Eclipse!" You look towards the treehouse.. Draco, he jumps down the ladder that connects to the treehouse.  "How did you find me?? I.. is Funneh and Gold here too?? Me? Oh I was just looking inside the treehouse!" He explains, "I'm relieved that the thing's still standing! Everyone did work really hard on it.. especially me! Hehe!" He laughs. Haha what a funny joke..

"But.. anyways.. let's go home Eclipse, I'm tired"
Yes, something you can agree on. You lead him back to the elevator.

As the two of you wait silently in the silent elevator, Draco occasionally tries to start up conversations.. but to no avail. He ends up shutting up for about a few minutes before talking..again. "Hey uh Eclipse..? While we're in here.. mind if I tell you something?" ...okay.. you don't mind. It better than waiting in pure silence anyways. Just as he opens up his mouth to explain, the elevator dings and the door opens. You walk out, maybe he can explain to you outside- "wait this.. is the same level.. isn't it?" Draco mumbles from inside the elevator, while sticking his head out to see.

He was correct. You were still on the roof floor.. with the treehouse.. and the hopscotch.. "That's weird.. maybe we forgot to press the button, let's head back in Ecli-"

ECLIPSE [A KREW X OMORI AU]Where stories live. Discover now