4: Late night meal

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Look at all of us..

Many pictures sit in front of you, they're all black..

These are all our memories together

You pick up a picture, nothing changes. It is still black, it seems to have been blacked out by marker..

They're a little sad now..
But we should be happy it happened at all..

The boy grips onto your hand, (not ship) and you look upon all the empty photos on the ground.

Let's make some new memories together..okay?





You open your eyes, you're greeted with a dark bedroom. Your bedroom.

It seems to be night time. You sit up, on your night table there is a phone. Your phone.. Someone had send you quite a lot of texts.. and a voice mails. You decide to only listen to the voice mail.

"Hey LUNAR, It's mommy"
The voice greets, you listen silently.

"I'm still in the city setting things up for our new home. Did you finish packing yet?" She asks, "the movers are going to be at our house in a few days, so I left a list of a few things for you to do before they arrive". Your eyes fall onto a checklist beside the telephone. You look back at the phone.

"Also sorry! Mommy messed up! I forgot to tell the electric company that we need a few extra days before we're ready to move. So the lights might cut out sometime tonight". She apologizes,

"Anyways.. I know moving to a new place can be a little nerve-wrecking, but I think a change of scenery will be positive for the both of us!" She says, "I know you haven't talked to anyone in a while but..I think you should say goodbye to your old friends before we leave.. Funneh has been trying really hard to get a hold of you ever since we put our house for sale". Oh? "She's been calling us every week for the past few months! She seems a little lonely..maybe you should pay her a visit!.." you think to yourself, "okay that's all for now! Mommy loves you! Bye honey!" bzzzt. The voicemail ends.

You put back the phone in its holder, you head back to your bed, ready to continue sleeping-


You are hungry. Mom said she left some steak in the fridge the other day.., maybe you should eat it. You open your bedroom door and walk down the hallway till you reach the long flight of stairs. You don't want to look, it looks like a long way down..

You put your feet on the first step, you feel dizzy.. maybe you can sleep it off.. You walk back to your bedroom, you head to your bed. You step into your comfortable bed and try to fall back asleep.

Grumble grumble..

You wake up again, your stomach hurts. You're hungry, you get off your bed and walk back to the stairs leading downstairs again. The window at the top of the wall seems to be radiating a red glow. You are weirdly drawn to it. You face back to the stairs, the stairs seem..much more longer then you remember. You cannot see the end..it seems..endless. But you have to eat..

You start walking down it slowly, gripping onto the railings. The empty purple striped wallpaper is the only thing you can visibly see. You feel like there are hands all over the walls, but you don't stop to check.

You hear whispering, they get louder every step you take. You stop and look around, hands. Black long hands are on the walls, no body just really.. long.. hands. It seemed to have gotten a lot more darker as well. You continue, you see a knife at the steps. You take it, it might be useful. You suddenly feel like something is chasing you, you start walking faster- just in case.

You finally glance behind you, an abnormally large hand is chasing you. Not attached to a body, just a hand. You turn back to the front, still no end to this stairway. You try to walk faster, not run.

You are hungry..

Suddenly, you feel a hand grip your shoulder.

You look behind you, you are afraid.

Darkness is all you see, a shadow hides the stairs behind you. The shadow has a face with multiple black arms poking out of it. You try attacking it with your knife, nothing. It shoves you, you catch your balance. You try to attack it again, nothing happens and it shoves you again. You catch your balance.


You hear, you attack it with your knife again. Nothing happens. It doesn't do anything now..it's just taunting you.

"Take a deep breath.. don't be afraid. It's not as scary as it looks"

You steady yourself, you remember how to calm down. You breath in and breath out, as you slowly stop shaking. You open your eyes, you are now at the bottom of the stairs. You look behind you, the staircase is back to normal..like nothing happened.

You are still hungry.

You head forward through a doorway and enter your living room, beside the doorframe is a fireplace, there are nails stuck between the bricks. Beside it is a sliding glass door that leads to your backyard, but you don't want to head out right now.. it's dark after all.

You walk to a door beside the doorway, that is to your kitchen. You open up the fridge, you find a plate of cold steak in it. You pick it up and head to the microwave on the counter. You place the food inside, and press a few buttons and your food is now being heated. The electricity must've not been cut yet.. thankfully. You notice a steak knife on the counter beside the microwave, you pick it up.

The next thing you know, a ding comes from the microwave. You set it on the table and sit down. You began eating away  your well done steak.

You started to feel sick..
Your body didn't agree to that.. You stand up and walked to the staircase.. before bolting it to the bathroom, the one beside your bedroom.


You threw up.
you flush the toilet, you walk slowly back to your room.

Knock knock knock

Ugh.. who could that be?.. at this hour? you walk back to the living room. As you thought, someone was knocking on the front door.

"Hey Lunar!"

A soft familiar female voice comes from the door.

"It's me, Rainbow!"

"I'm back home!.. but I..forgot my keys heheh" she giggles. This warms your heart.. you haven't heard her laugh in a while.

"Could you..open the door for me?"
Your hand falls to the doorknob. Should you..open the door? Of course..she's your sister after all. You creak open the door, you do not see your sister. You see a monster.

A tall girl with a long broken neck stares at you with a distorted face. Blood drips from its head.

You slam the door shut.

You walk back to your room, you feel like you're being watched.. but you don't bat an eye. You enter your room and lay down back into your bed. You stare at the ceiling and you slowly and slowly drift off back into slumber..

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