Chapter 71

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My heart felt completely shattered as Jisoo told me about Felix. He had obviously told her about his previous home, and the three hybrids that he used to live with. It wasn't difficult for her to connect the dots when she saw them reuniting in the driveway.

At first I had thought I was really unfit, struggling to breathe properly after carrying the boxes from the car to the house while we let the guys catch up. But I quickly realised that the tightness in my chest was caused by none other than Felix's story.

I had remembered the day quite well, Jisoo texting me frantically, begging to come over so that she didn't have to be alone. She snuggled with me in bed and cried all night. She hadn't given me details, simply crying her heart out for a poor hybrid that was once again the victim of human cruelty.

She hadn't told me the full extent of Felix's injuries. All I knew was that he was beaten up and dumped at the vet. Abandoned. The first time I met him, he was mostly healed up, newly adopted by Jisoo and healthy enough to leave the vet clinic.

I never even knew about his tail, I had always thought he naturally had a shorter tail, until Jisoo told me about it as she made us some tea during our little break. Taehyung was coiled up in my lap, no doubt listening in as Jisoo finally told me the condition Felix was really in when he was brought to her.

Felix hadn't wanted people to know about it. He never wanted people to look at him like he was broken, or deformed, or a hybrid that needed pity. He told Jisoo that he just wanted to have a normal life.

He reminded me of Jungkook.

Turns out Felix never told Jisoo specifically about Yoongi or his pack. From the way they acted when they saw each other, it looked like they had resigned themselves to the fact that they would never be reunited. Maybe it was too painful for him to talk about his friends that he thought he would never see again.

All Jisoo knew was that he had been with an owner who had 3 other hybrids, and they were the only ones that made him feel like he had a family.

I slowly unpacked the glasses from the box, wondering how my pack was going. They were currently at Jisoo's place with Felix, the four of them still catching up after the last few years of being apart.

Jisoo and the others continued to help me unpack and set up our new home.

"We should order something delicious for dinner and celebrate!" Jisoo suggested as she started stacking my plates into a drawer.
"There's a really good Japanese place close by, we could get sushi, and noodles, and rice, and gyoza, so many tasty things!"

Her enthusiasm made me smile, I guess we did have a lot to celebrate today.

"Yeah, let's do that! I don't have any groceries anyway..." I glanced at the 2 hessian bags that held the contents of my pantry.

We tried to finish most of the food in my house to make the move easier. It seemed like a good idea, but now I needed to do a big shop, which means a big bill.

At around 7pm, we decided that we had done enough unpacking for the day. I requested the day off tomorrow anyway in order to finish everything off. Mondays always sucked, and any reason to avoid Lucas was a good reason to me.

Jisoo ordered the food, insisting it was her treat. Damn, maybe I should have become a vet if it meant I could spoil my friends without a second thought, as well as just casually own a second house that I could lease to my friends for cheap rent.

The food arrived and we decided to eat in Jisoo's living room instead of mine, considering she had a lot more space. My standard couch + coffee table + floor set up usually worked quite well for us, but I had to admit it was a lot more comfortable fitting the 10 of us on 2 couches instead of my 1. She also happened to have a variety of alcohol that she insisted on opening to 'celebrate'.

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