Chapter 40

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I was walking around the city, as usual, looking for somewhere to stay. After 3 nights in the tunnel, all of my joints felt stiff and I was exceptionally exhausted.

As I walked around, I caught sight of Y/N, and for a moment I thought maybe she was out for lunch. But looking at the time on one of the large advertising screens, it was still too early for lunch.

She looked so different, her usual neutral face was now adorned with a deep frown, her eyes looking blank and lifeless. I decided not to go up to her, in case something bad had happened and she wanted to be alone, but I couldn't stop myself from following her.

I realised after a while that she was walking home. Should I keep following her, or turn back? There were still some buildings around, so I reasoned that I was technically still looking for places to live.

After a few more minutes, she stopped walking and stared off at something. I followed her line of sight and realised it was a restaurant bar. She stumbled her way in, and I decided to just observe from outside for a moment. Soon I saw 2 drinks being placed in front of her. Did something happen?

Y/N had left work early and gone straight to the bar, something must have happened. She looked pretty miserable, aaaaand now she was taking shots. There was not much I could really do though, so I decided to roam around the area.

I recognised this area, it was not too far from Y/N's house. Maybe there might be a random place here we could rent. The only problem with being a bit further out from the city was that then I'd have to travel further to busk. I guess if it was our only option, I would have to do it.

There were a few motels around here, a lot of them were a bit cheaper than the ones closer to the city. I guess the walk could keep me fit. Every now and then I went back to the bar to check on Y/N, and every time I checked, she had a new drink in her hand, sometimes she was crying.

The sun was starting to get lower in the sky, and I thought I'd check on her one last time before heading back to Namjoon. She was still there, talking about something with the bartender. I stood there for a few minutes, debating on whether or not I should just go in there and take her home.

She stood up, and wobbled a bit, but waved off the bartender and stumbled her way outside. Maybe she could make it home, I could just keep an eye on her just in case though.

Y/N walked crookedly along the footpath while looking at her phone. I watched from the other side of the street, walking slowly to keep the same pace. My gut twisted when I saw a large man walk directly towards her.

I couldn't make out what they were saying with all of the traffic and surrounding people creating noise, but with the slimy look on his face it couldn't have been good. I debated on whether or not I should intervene, I didn't want to get involved unnecessarily, but I also couldn't just leave her to fend for herself if she was in trouble.

My dilemma was settled when I saw the man block her attempt to walk around him, and grab her arm. Without another thought, I quickly jogged across the street, dodging cars and pedestrians to get to her,

"Y/N?" I called out. "Hey! Y/N is that you?"

Her head whipped up to see me, and now I could see her properly. Her eyes were pink and puffy, hair messy as if she had been running her hands through it all afternoon. Before I could say anything though, she stumbled a bit and gave me a huge smile.

"Jin!!!" She pulled her arm out of the man's now-loosened grip and threw herself at me and crushed me in a hug. "Mister man, this is my bestest friend! He bought me sushi!"

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