Chapter 15: 3rd Letter to Eleni

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Chapter 15

Triton Nikos
Haven Academy, Mistral

May 19th, 81

Eleni Nikos
222 Victory Road
Argus, Mistral

Dear mother,

It’s been a long while, a painful time faces me from behind, but they are behind like a coward, only the future looks me in the face. I have new cybernetics, reminded of my first and only love, and the passion I have abandoned.

With the poisoning of my right eye, it has spread across plenty of my face, a lot of my right side is actually gone. My eye, eye socket, and down to my cheekbone has been replaced. I’ve already repainted it, though I’m still unsure if I should change them both back to normal. I had actually lost my right ear, they’re unsure how long it will take until I gain natural hearing with these cybernetics. My right side, most of the skin was able to stay safe, but my arm… I lost it all. I’ve gotten the replacement by now, but it’s odd; to have lost something I’ve had all my life, I can’t say how I feel for sure. But I can say though, I’m now looking even more handsome for my fans.

Mother, I know it has been long, and we don’t speak of her much because of my falling. But I now know exactly what happened to her, I know who tortured and killed her, who took her from our family. The same woman who murdered Pyrrha, murdered Amber. The reason for the murder, I cannot say due to how sensitive the information is. If you wish to know, it will be a secret carried far into life, and I’ll have to tell you in private. Though, let me end the tale of dread for the moment.

I would like you to host the “event”, I will participate and do my original passion. I’ll be staying behind from the group, I’m not yet allowed to travel at high speeds. But I ask you to welcome them into the villa, but put Ruby in the shed. When I return home, I’ll be back in time, I always am. Please, go to Arns, I’m ready.

    With love,
        Triton the Waverider.

Herald of the Sea (RWBY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora