Chapter 9: 2nd Letter to Eleni

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Triton Nikos
Mistral ER, 203
Haven Academy, Mistral

March 27th, 81

Eleni Nikos
222 Victory Road
Argus, Mistral

Dear mother,

I am sorry for the lack of letters, but the past three villages that we have passed have been rough. I, myself, have been dealing with my fair share of issues, obviously with the resend place. I’m having a nurseite this for me, but the hospital is bringing over doctors from back home, I’m in need of cybernetics.

The first was Shion, a bandit attack, but we don’t have much to worry about, there were no bodies found, and Grimm rarely eats people. Sadly, that means they died on their escape or were taken hostage, but there was nothing we could do, we were a day late and a bandit group moves fast and knows the land better than us.

The second village was Oniyuri, the mass grave. I was given my current condition there, but also met Ruby’s uncle there, his name is Qrow. When I regrouped with the team, I came in the midst of a battle against a scorpion faunus, though Ruby wouldn’t leave after being ordered to by her uncle, so I joined in. The fight wasn’t the hardest, but with the loss of my weapon and constant dodging away from five limbs, I could mostly play defense. Ruby had nearly gotten killed from a falling beam, but Qrow saved her, only to get slashed across the stomach. I defended Ruby by plating her with my own armor, but left myself open.

Then there’s Kuroyuri, Ren and Nora were from there apparently. Though I only have second hand telling of the fight, as Qrow and I were in and out of consciousness, trying to keep blood flow to a minimum. We were poisoned, but with the recus and sounds, the patrols heard us and investigated, saving us.

I am not the one writing this, as you can tell by the hand writing, as well… my right arm is a bit gone at the moment, and I’ve been put on heavy medication. I’m more annoyed that I somehow lost my trident, so I’m stuck in bedrest without something to hold.

            Your stupid son,

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