Chapter 13: Triton

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Chapter 13

    Triton starts to relax and zone out. When he opens his eyes again, he’s riding a horse back home. On his back is a guitar case with a bag of lien on his belt. On his ride, he comes across a dark blast of burnt soil, he squeezes his legs onto the horse body and yells out, “Gallop!”

    The horse starts to run straight ahead, galloping deeper into the burnt land. As the horse runs, he pulls on the  and jumps off. In the center of all the scorch marx and smoke, is a staff with blood around it. He kneels down and grabs the staff, tears running out of his eyes as he hugs the staff.

   The horse  loudly and reigns back, going wild in what could be anger, it runs further ahead the road. The purple hair of Triton starts to steam as the color fades out, turning a burning red once more. He yells out to the ground, yelling slurs and curses to whoever did this, and with his yells the sky did the same. Rain poured over him, washing the blood into the dirt and his pants.

    A hand grabs him by his shoulder and shakes him, he opens his eyes and yells out, tears streaming out of his eyes. He looks around and he’s in his bedroom at his desk, and when he looks behind him he sees Weiss is the one holding his shoulder. He grabs her hand with hesitation, and once he feels her warm skin, he grasps onto it and catches his breath.

Weiss: “Did something happen…?”

Triton: “No- I just didn’t have a good dream, thank you.”

Weiss: “I see, do you want to talk about it?”

Triton: “No, I’ll be fine, just need to speak with my mother. I’ll just catch up with you all later.”

Weiss: “Um, alright- we’ll be at the main hall.”

    Weiss leaves the room with strain, confused over what she has seen. She does walk out and joins the others, leaving Triton alone to remember his losses. He plugs in his scroll to the computer and plays a video on the monitor, Amber is on the other side and he memorizes what he was wearing that day. 

    They are at an expensive restaurant, in Triton’s blazer he has the camera of his scroll peaking out. During the dinner they passed small jokes and remarks, laughing with each other. The screen fades to black and comes back on, he and Amber are back at the farm. Knowing what comes next, Triton turns the monitor off, not able to bear the pain from this clip. Triton restarts the video.

    At the Haven Academy, the squad is walking through the main doors, and waiting for them is Headmaster Lionheart. Qrow looks around the room.

Qrow: “Why are you here? We’re supposed to meet in your office.”

Lionheart: “Yes- well- I ate some garlic chicken, and I thought the scent would be a nuisance.”

Qrow: “We can stand it because we need to speak in a safe area.”

    Lionheart looks behind him, at the stairwell that has a statue between the two. The statue is white marble and is of a woman in a long dress, around her wrist and ankles are gold cuffs with chains dangling around her. He nods but keeps eyeing the statue, slowly walking to the stairs, he leads them to his office and secretly locks the door once it’s closed.

    Back at the house, Triton is still watching the video, his eyes bloodshot and his breath thin. Tears stream down his cheeks, as this time he has fully played the video. He relives the day, a beautiful night under the half moon, he and Amber sway in the grass to a slow song. They embrace each other closely, Triton holds her head to his chest as she hugs him closely. In this video, she wears something she doesn’t wear often, jewelry, a ring. The gold ring has engravings of the moon’s cycle.

    The video ends suddenly but Triton doesn’t stop reminiscing about the night. He gets out of his trance from a call, the blaring ringing from his scroll shows a call from Ruby. He answers the call but only hears banging and crashes, the sound of glass shatterings yells, he hangs up and gets up. He looks to the box that the squad had given him after his discharge from the hospital, with speed he grabs it and runs out of the house, wearing his normal clothes without armor.

    The squad runs down the stairway, Jaune gets launched through the railing and tumbles at the feet of the others. He gets up in a daze and Nora has to turn him around to face their enemy.

    A 10 foot man lifts over the remaining railing, his broad stature is only supported more by his greatcoat and strong features. As he gets back up, Weiss freezes his leg with a trap glyph, but the man merely pulls his leg out of it. He digs into his pants pockets and slowly pulls out two dust crystals, arrogantly showing them as he shrugs off his coat.

Hazel: “No one can save you now.”

    He stabs the two crystals into his upper arms and lets out a powerful yell, his veins glow yellow and his muscles grow. He jumps up and slams his fist into the ground, the marble floor cracks with electricity breaking through the cracks, the shrapnel blasts the squad back. He lunges and grab’s Jaune’s ankle, pulling a fist back, he brings it down.

    From behind the behemoth of a man, a yell of a beast shouts. A large bardiche drops onto Hazel’s pulled back arm, shattering the crystal impaled into it. An explosion of lightning blasts the man to the right, dropping Jaune on the way. 

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