Chapter 5: Oniyuri, the failure and ambush

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Chapter 5

Hopping over a wall, Triton lands on the roof of an unfinished house, his shield rounds out and latches onto his forearm brace. In the village of the wall he just scaled over, the sound of metal clashing and wood breaking echoes through the dull and unfinished homes.

Jaune, Nora, and Ren stand a vert meters from the fight, but Ruby is jumping around, trying to shoot one of the two. Though Triton knows neither of the men that are fighting, it is clear who's on what side. The man with a red cape and shaggy black hair, weilding a great single-edged sword, reminds Triton much of Ruby in looks but not combat.

The man like Ruby has graying black, spiky hair, faded red eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. Along with a red, tattered cloak, he wears a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants and black dress shoes. In an old picture of him with his former team, Qrow looked exactly the same but lacked stubble. He also wears a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right ring finger and a necklace with a crooked cross-shaped pendant that shone everytime he jumped.

That would make the scorpion our enemy. Tyrian is a pale man with gold eyes and a brown ponytail braided to resemble a scorpion's tail. He wears a white sleeveless jacket with leather belts strapped to it, along with white pants. His jacket is left open, exposing his bare chest, which is crisscrossed with prominent scars. His arms are covered with cream colored bandages and leather vambraces. He also wears leather boots covering his entire shin with knee guards. On each earlobe is a silver, ring-shaped earring, and near the top of his left ear is another matching earring.

As the two men fall through the roof of a building, Ruby jumps down and runs to the door, ready to run in. But the shaggy man hurled out of the door, throwing his sword further before him and landing on the handle, he stood as his aura flashed, and then it flashed again. His aura has shattered.

Triton jumps across to the building that Ruby was in and looks into the house, a flash of purple comes from the debris and then a dashing scorpion charges at the man. Ruby jumps in between them and blocks the scorpion's tail, against Jaune's wishes.

Jaune begins to run over, but his teammates hold him back: "Ruby!"

Scorpion: "Do you wish to be taken!?"

Ruby: "No! But I won't stand by and wa-!"

Before she could finish, a silver blur drags her away from the fight. Around her neck a silver trident holds her down near the village wall, as she starts to pry it off, a shield comes after and hits the hilt of the trident, pushing it deeper and holding her in place fully.

Triton slides off the roof and pulls his shield back, hitting the scorpion in the head as it comes back. The scorpion growls out and charges Triton, but using his shield, Triton charges back with cover, once they are close to each other, the scorpion swings a right slash. Triton ducks and throws his shield at the man's leg, tripping him and grabbing his right shoulder with his right arm, but from behind his tail jabs, which was blocked by Triton's rerebrace.

Triton flips around and slams the sharp edge of his left elbow into the scorpion's spine, causing his aura to flash again, shattering it. Triton throws his back as the tail jabs again, this time scratching across the plate on his hip. Landing beside the feather haired man.

Triton: "Who is this guy?"

Qrow: "He's Tyrian, and I'm Qrow. He's trying to capture Ruby."

Triton: "Well thanks for clearing the Grimm for so long."

Qrow looks at Triton with shock and then smirks, he swings his sword to the ground and gets into a stance. The new duo nod to each other and charge Tyrian, the scorpion laughs maniacally and runs at the two. Triton throws his shield and trips Tyrian, Qrow runs past and swings his sword down across Tyrian's tail, cutting a plate off.

Tyrian yells out and shoots wildly in a circle, Triton forces his shield over Ruby and uses his arms to cover his face and chest, Qrow spins his sword. Once the volley ends, Qrow blasts Tyrian but misses and puts a large hole into a house, Tyrian jumps onto Qrow's sword and angles his stinger.

Just before Tyrian strikes, Triton grabs his hip plate, his emblem glowing blue, he throws the plate and blocks the stinger with it, causing Qrow to get hit by the plate instead of getting stabbed. Tyrian jumps back and yells out annoyed as Qrow holds his head. The plate is stuck on the stinger and distracting Tyrian, so while he's distracted, Triton runs up and raises his knee, building momentum. The shine of silver catches Tyrian's eye and he notices Triton.

Triton snaps his lower leg out at Tyrian's head, but Tyrain blocks it with his gauntlet. Before Tyrain could shoot with his other gauntlet, Triton jumps up and does a push kick to gain distance and time, Qrow runs in front of Triton and blocks the barrage of rounds. Somehow, Ruby has freed herself and she jumps into the fight, swinging her scythe at Tyrian.

Tyrian deflects the attack and slashes up, finishing off by kicking her back, just at the right time as Qrow slashes down, Tyrian blocks the attack with both gauntlets. Seeing the opening, Triton pulls his trident to him and throws it atTyrian's left foot, stabbing it in place.

Both Ruby and Qrow charge at the Faunus, both getting blocked and pushed back, Ruby takes this as her time and releases a combo of wild swings, just to miss them all and get the tides reversed. Tyrian fires a wave of bullets and then fakes a swing for a stab with his tail, making Ruby freeze. But Qrow steps in and blocks the stab.

Qrow: "Ruby, what did I say!? Get back!"

Ruby: "This is my fight too!"

She runs around swipes at Tyrian's right foot, he steps forward causing her to miss, and releases a joyful giggle.

Qrow: "No, it's not that, it's-"

Ruby doesn't let him continue, as she charges with a very telegraphed swing, jumping up. Tyrian pulls his foot out of the trident, slicing it open and leaves his and Qrow's bind, he jumps up too and kicks Ruby, pushing her into the middle wall beam of a tower. The planks at the top break and falls over her.

Qrow charges and cuts the falling plank in half, leaving his defenses open, allowing Tyrian to cut across his lower ribs with his tail. Tyrian giggles and swings his tail at Ruby. The seashell embossings of Triton's rerebraces glow and he pushes his arms out, the plates fly at Ruby and blocks Tyrian's slash, but Tyrian continues and his eyes glow purple, he swipes at Triton, catching the warrior in the right eye.

Triton falls to his knees as blood pours from his socket, and Tyrian uses his tail to lift the man's head. He laughs at the sight of Triton in pain and near tears, but screams out in pure pain as Triton moves his head down. Jaune had run in and brought his sword down onto Tyrian's stretched tail, cutting it in half.

Tyrian cries out and limps away, the remaining half of his tail curling, he speaks to himself about forgiveness and almost attacks Jaune, but Nora and Ren run to his side, making tyrian look at the circumstances and run away. Triton gets up and grabs onto his trident, using it to stand fully. Once he is gone, Qrow falls to his knee and releases his held breath, holding onto his side.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow, are you okay!?"

Qrow, panting: "Ge-yea... I'll be fine, he just grazed me."

Nora: "Who was that guy!?"

Ren: "How did you get here?"

Jaune: "Why are people after Ruby!?"

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow, what's going on?"

Qrow: "... What's your favorite fairy tale?"

Triton, holding his eye tightly: "Fuck you too Ruby!"

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