Chapter 2: RNJR

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Chapter 2

Wanted to change things up, how was the first chapter?

Throughout the week, no one had really bothered the warrior, all but the huntsman did but even then it wasn't for long. Currently, he is just leaving the hotel he has been staying at. The weather has gotten colder, the sky gives joy with a thick blanket of white. While here, the warrior has felt comfortable, the people on this island reminds him a lot of his own, the friendliness in the streets, the mornings where everyone goes to work, the lack of stares no matter who you are.

During his time here, he had taken out the dye in his hair, his purple hair now matches it's red roots, the red of roses and blood. Though he is not a person that enjoys the color red, he must accept it and remember his family one way.

He walks to the very end of the city, where civilization meets forests, and looks at the trails from cars. While out, he found what he had been searching for last night, but it had escaped faster than he could run. But he's searched all but outside the city. And that is where he goes now.

As he walks, he follows a track in the center of the dirt road, what looks to be one wheel, a wheel of a truck that is. At the end of the path, the trail ends after taking a turn into the woods. At the end of the road, a wooden cottage.

Outside the cottage, a group of people wait in front of the home. A tall blonde man in a white breastplate and shoulder plates, a matching sheath for his sword on his left hip. A tall raven haired man, his outfit is green and black cloth with pink accents, no weapons seem to be on him however. Then an average height carrot top lady, she also doesn't wear armor, just a frilled pink skirt and white blouse, a black jacket with a pink lightning bolt over her back, plus a difficult to not notice cylindrical weapon on her back.

The girl in which the warrior had seen in the city left the house, the blonde huntsman from the docks peaks through the door as she leaves. When the huntsman closes the door and the warrior waits, it appears to be a reunion of sorts between the four.

When the four turned to leave down the path of snow, they paused at the sight of a man with bright red hair, vivid green eyes, and armor like that of their late friend. As the group stands in confusion, the warrior walks to them, the bronze plate in his hand reflecting the light from the snow, catching the eye of the blonde man. Little red steps up,

Little red, slowly: "Who- Who are you?"

The man doesn't answer, he just continues walking until both he and her are just up to each other. Little red looks up at him, his bored stare unnerving.

Warrior, blandly: "I'm searching for a girl who wears a red hood with a red scythe."

Little red, flustered and then excited: "Ah, well... you found one!"

The warrior holds up the bronze plate for her, giving the group a better look at it. The plate was the signature of the invincible girl, a shield with a spear over it, but this plate is chipped and scratched. The most notable part of the plate is the smoky metal that covers half of it, and the bottom right appears to have been melted.

Warrior: "You were there, so the bards say. Who did this?"

Little red looks behind her, amongst her friends, and none of them move, or take their eyes off Triton. The blonde man slowly takes his eyes off and sees little red looking at them, he quickly nods.

Little red: "We're looking to find out the same thing, you can join us Mr...?"

Warrior: "I am Nikos, Triton Nikos, and I am the brother of Pyrrha."

And it was from this day onward, that they started their search for both revenge, and answers. A team of huntsmen and a former gladiator, on the way to Mistral.

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