"You don't get to call me that! You betrayed me you bastard!" her mind was filled with too much rage to care how dramatic that sounded. He sighed realizing that as long as she had a weapon in her hands she wouldn't be inclined to care for what he had to say.

"I had to okay! She has Mara!" Amara stopped fighting against him stabbing him when he loosened his grip. "You're lying!" She knew Mara lived in central city, they kept an eye on her to make sure she was okay at least once a month.

"I'm not I swear" he gripped onto her head and his eyes turned white, Amara was suddenly seeing flashes of Mara walking down the street, in her apartment, working at the diner. She saw Evan fighting with Nyssa until she showed him a live feed of a sniper aiming at Mara.

"w-what was that?" She stuttered still in his hold "I can show memories, glimpses, things I've seen through physical contact" Amara shook her head "how do I know you're not just showing me something fake?"

"Why would I bring up my ex girlfriend randomly as a reason to betray you?"

"Because your a mentally unstable resurrected - death faking lunatic who's helping his murderer murderer do you understand that? She killed you! She saw you as a threat and I'm pretty sure once she gets rid of me you're next!" She tried to strangle him but he held her wrists tighter. Evan sighed "I don't want to hurt you Amara I never wanted to hurt you.." he told her quietly.

"You just wanted to kill me" she sassed repeating her mantra as she gave her a self a second to rest. "I found out okay.. you have to understand I was angry" Amara shook her head "I'm sure whatever you found out was shocking but that's no excuse for helping her!" She struggled against him breathing heavily at her failed attempt. "If I wasn't so tired right now you would be dead!" She grumbled.

"You have no idea do you?" Amara looked at him annoyed "what? Can you just get off me?"

"We're family"

"Pretty sure families don't kill each other" she paused while she thought about it, Damian tries to kill Tim, Jason tries to kill Tim, Slade killed her mom. "I retract that statement, It's sweet that you think of us as family but I'm pretty sure that this will put a strain on that" it finally hit her why hadn't no one come in yet?

"Why's no one come down here yet?"

"Im your brother Amara!"

"It's too quiet.." she muttered trying to listen in but the halls where empty.

"Amara? Did you hear me? I'm your brother your real life brother!"

"Where is everyone?" She questioned trying to peer out the door yet the halls were empty. "Are you not hearing what I'm saying?" He turned her head "you are my sister! Nadia is my mother!" He shook her trying to get it into her head.

"Yeah like Slade was my moms brother and do you know what he did? He shot her, 13 times until he was sure she was dead! You.. you killed me, you let them kill me over and over and family doesn't do that okay? No matter how messed up they are they don't do that.." her eyes glared into him.

"I was mad okay! How would you feel if you spent your life thinking you were an orphan with no family unknowingly in the presence of your sister and mother? I watched Nadia love you she cared for you! I should have gotten that too!"

"Okay but there's no way mom would just ignore her child" Amara scoffed her mother wasn't heartless. "Besides she treated all of you like you were her own" she pointed out "I was her own!" Evan yelled.

He sighed "I don't know okay! But I wanna find out.. I'm gonna get you out of here and in return you're gonna let me talk to her just to get some answers" she thought about it for a second, she could always back out if he seemed sketchy. "Deal" he got off her and extended a hand to help her up. She accepted pulling him closer "Just so we're clear brother or not, you betray me again think of yourself as good as dead".

The two started to make their way down the hall it was starting to unnerve her why it was so silent all of a sudden. She stopped and made her way back to the lab.

Evan groaned "oh my god we do not have the time okay!"

"If I want a chance of not getting caught the second I walk through those doors I need to change" she told him gesturing to the bloodied and ripped clothes she was currently wearing.

Now dressed as a doctor the two made their way down the hall, from what she could tell they were in the center of the league. Which would explain why they were so heavily guarded yet there wasn't a single person around.

Amara pressed her ear to the door at the end of the hall she couldn't hear anything so she slowly pulled open the door stepping back quickly when a pile of unconscious bodies rolled out what appeared to be a broom closet.

"Nice" Evan commented. "Shut up" after lugging them back inside they turned down another hallway, she didn't trust him to lead them because what if he lead her to an ambush?

She suddenly heard yelling she peeked her head around the corner to see a fight going on. She moved forward instinctively her brain quickly determining that she should help the people who didn't stab her in the head.

Everyone was masked so it was hard to tell so she prayed and she started punching the ones she recognized.

"You killed me and you killed me! And you.. you can go die with that burning goop you injected in me" she muttered knocking them out one by one. She turned around when the mask figure raised a fist to her "hey no! I just helped you" she pointed at them dodging the fist. The masked people shared a look and the one in front of her removed their mask. "Mara?" Amara hugged the girl, she had never been so happy to see her. "Is Damian? Do you know how he is? Is he okay? H-he fell.." she quickly rushed out grabbing the shorter girl by the shoulders. The other masked person removed their mask to reveal the one person she'd been dying to see.

She cheered when her grey eyes caught Damian's green ones. She rushed towards him pulling him into her arms "thank god you're okay" she breathed in his scent, her chest pressed against his so she could feel his heart beat against her. He hugged her tighter "I'm glad your okay" he breathed pushing her hair back. "Why are you dressed like a doctor?" He asked observing her lab coat and badge.

"Do you think we were dropped on our heads or something when we were kids? I think it might just be the concussions catching up to me that's stopping me from making a good decision." She turned around and rolled her eyes when she noticed he wasn't there. "Really?!"

"You just stood there while I fought a bunch of masked people? I know you're new at this but your a really bad brother!"

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