14: Prepared?

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Ambers POV
        Im driving the group to their houses so they can get their stuff. "What ever happened to Wes?" Chad asks. "I don't know." Tara says. "Haven't seen him since I punched him." I say. We get to the twins house first. "Me and Chad will go get our stuff and come back out, you three just stay here." Mindy says. "What all do we need?" Chad asks. "Just come on dumbass" Mindy says.

         The twins go inside to get there stuff and now its just Me, Liv and Tara in the car. In about 10 minutes, they come back and we go to Livs house. Liv and Chad go in to get her stuff. Once everyone's gotten there stuff we go back to my house. We all go up to my room.

        "We need a plan." Tara says. "Well if it'd the same guy who's already attacked Amber, we should try to figure out who it is." Mindy says. "How the hell are we suppose to do that?" Chad asks. "Well does anyone hate Amber or have something against her?" Mindy says. "I mean there's people who dont like me but what does that have to do with anything?" I say.

        "Someone could want you dead." Mindy says. "You seem to know a lot about this."Tara says. "Well my uncle was killed by some psycho wearing a 'Ghostface' costume." Mindy replies. "We just need to protect Amber because it seems like whoever it is wants her dead." Tara says. We agree.

          "Lets just chill for now though like lets watch a movie, drink some beer." Liv says. "Theres beer in the basement and we can find a movie" Amber says. Mindy gets up, "Someone come with me to get beer." She says. Chad and Liv go with her. "How are you feeling" Tara asks now that its just me and her. "Im okay, kinda freaked out I mean it seems like some bastard wants me dead." I say. "It's gonna be okay, Im not gonna let that douche bag hurt you again." Tara says.
          I quickly kiss her. The others come pack with a 24 pack of beer. "What should we watch?" I ask. "Stab!" Mindy says. "Fuck no were living that shit right now" Liv says. "We could learn from their mistakes." Mindy replies. We agree to watch 'Stab'. I sit down next to Tara, instantly grabbing her hand. Mindy gives us each a beer and we watch the movie.

sorry this is such a short chapter. i've been really busy today im gonna try to get at least 2 more chapters out today! <3 i hope you enjoy

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