3:Hanging Out

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Tara's POV
        I wake up with my head on Ambers chest. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I keep my head on her chest since it doesn't seem to bother her. I check the time; 10:45am. I slowly get up and I see her begin to wake up. I turn her tv off and go to change into some of Ambers clothes. Her clothes smell just like her vanilla perfume.

        "Hey" I say as I walk back into her room. "Hey" she says, she's obviously barely awake. I walk over to her and hug her. "Thank you" I say. "For what? she says as she hugs me tightly. "Everything" I say as i pull away from the hug. I can tell my face is definitely red and when i look at her, her face appears to be red to. Does she like me? Does she feel the same about me?

Ambers POV
       I notice Tara is wearing my clothes. She looks so pretty when she first wakes up and seeing her in my clothes just makes her even more gorgeous. "What should we do today" I ask her, I really hope she wants to hang out. "Wanna hang out with the group?" Tara asks. "Yeah sure" I say as I get up to get ready.

        I put on some ripped jeans and a red shirt. The group agrees to come over at 12:00pm, It's 11:30. Me and Tara sit on my bed and just talk. In a few minutes I hear a knock on the door and Mindy,Chad,Liv, and Wes are here. "Oh hey" I say, honestly i would have rather just be with Tara but their our friends.

         We all go sit on my couch since my parents aren't here, we sit like this; Tara,Me,Mindy,Liv,Chad, and Wes. I notice Wes staring at Tara, it makes me jealous. Everyone knows Wes likes Tara but I hate the idea of them dating.

         We agree to play truth or dare. "Amber, truth or dare?" Mindy asks. "Dare"I say. "Kiss someone in this room" Mindy replies. Mindy definitely did this on purpose she knows I like Tara... I look around the room. I decide to just kiss Tara because she's my best friend and it really won't change anything if she doesn't like me. I lean over to Tara and quickly kiss her on the lips. Even though our lips touched for like 3 seconds, it was the best 3 seconds of my life. I know i'm blushing and I look over at Tara and her face is bright red. "Look their blushing" I hear Mindy whisper to Liv.

Tara's POV
       I just kissed my best friend.. and I liked it. I know my face is bright red but I really don't care. I look over at Amber to see her staring at me. I wink at her causing her to laugh. We keep playing truth or dare for awhile until we all get bored of that and then we agree to watch a movie. I let Amber pick the movie and of course she picks a scary movie, Friday The 13th.

        I already know i'm gonna get scared so i sit as close to Amber as possible and immediately grab her hand. I see her smile. Halfway through the movie i start to get uncomfortable and Amber notices and She puts my legs on her lap so im basically laying on her. We stay like this the whole movie. I notice Wes looking at me some and I hate it. I know he likes me but I just don't like him like that. I wouldn't date him. The movie ends and Mindy asks to talk to Amber. I get off of her and let her go. Im worried, what if Mindy likes Amber. Everyone knows Mindys lesbian so what if she likes Amber.

Ambers POV
       Mindy wants to talk to me, I have a feeling she's gonna ask me about Tara... We go to my room. "Sooo what's going on with you and Tara?"Mindy asks. "Nothing shes my best friend"I say as I stare at the floor.

        "Amber I know you like her, you look at her like the world revolves around her. She was literally on top of you while we watched the movie, and y'all always hold hands."Mindy states. "Okay yeah I like her...who wouldn't she's  fucking gorgeous but she's straight and she doesn't like me like that."I say sadly.

        "That's a lie, you can tell by the way she looks at you she would literally do anything for you."Mindy says. "You should tell her how you feel"Mindy says. "What if it ruins our friendship?" I ask. "It won't" Mindy replies. "We better go back to the others"I say trying to leave this situation. I open my door and quickly walk back to the living room. "Damn girl your desperate to see your little girlfriend." I hear Mindy say. I get back to the others and sit back down with Tara. She instantly lays on me again. "Hey"she says as she smiles. We all talk and laugh for the rest of the day.

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