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Tara's POV
       We're on the way to the hospital, I look at Amber and I can tell she's in pain. Why couldn't it have been me that got stabbed? Why her? I hate seeing her in pain. "It's okay, your gonna be okay" I whisper to her. All she does is squeeze my hand. We get to the hospital and they immediately take her to surgery. While she's in surgery, I call Sam and our friends to tell them what happened.

       Sam says she will come to the hospital, even though she doesn't really like Amber. I sit in watering room for what feels like years until the doctor tells me I can go see her. I walk to her room to see her with all these tubes and IV's. I hate seeing her like this, it should have been me. "Hey how are you feeling" I ask her as i sit in the chair next to her. "I'm okay i guess" she says as she grabs my hand. "Thank you for being here"Ambers says. "Of course, I hope you don't mind but I told Sam and the group what happened." I say. "It's okay. Can you stay with me for a little though?" Amber asks. "I was planning on it" I say.

         I look down at her and she looks almost defeated. The doctor knocks on the door and begins telling me how she is. "The surgery went well we will need to keep her under our care for a few days to make sure theres no further problems, she's very lucky. If i may ask what is your relationship to Ms Freeman?" the doctor asks. I look at Amber and she nods her head. "I'm her girlfriend"I say. "Oh okay do you need to call anyone to let them know or have you already?" the doctor asks. "I already have" I say. "I'll be back in a little to check on her" The doctor says as she leaves.

         "Sounds like your doing good" I tell Amber. "Yeah i guess. I'm like so high on these pain meds right now" Amber says, I laugh. Amber can always make me laugh in situations like this. I can tell she's tired. "Go to sleep, I'll stay with you" I tell her and she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. About an hour later, Mindy,Chad,and Liv show up. "How is she?" Mindy asks. "She's okay, she got stabbed 7 times but they took her to surgery and that went okay she has to stay here for a few days" I say. I notice Amber starting to wake up. "Damn at least she lived" Chad says, causing Mindy to slap him on the arm. "Oh hey." Amber says in a tired voice. "How are you feeling?" Mindy asks her. "I'm fine,these pain meds help" she responds. We laugh.

         We talk and I just try to comfort Amber. I know she's in pain, she just doesn't want to show it. They all stay for about 2 hours before they have to leave, then Sam shows up. "Amber.." Sam says as she walks in. "Oh uhm hey Sam" Amber says. "How are you?" Sam asks. "I'm fine." Amber says. Amber isn't to fond of Sam but a adult needed to be here and Ambers parents don't need to be here. I tell Sam what happened and Sam leaves.

         "You okay?" I ask Amber. "Yeah just still not a huge fan of Sam." She responds. "I know but it's Sam or your parents." I say. "Ok Sam can come" She says quickly. "Can you sit with me?" Amber asks, as she motions to the space next to her in the bed. I quickly lay down with her. She instantly grabs my hand. "Ghostface said if i didn't play the fucking game he would kill you, I was trying to protect you. I couldn't have let him hurt you" Amber says as she starts crying. "Hey hey it's okay, your okay, we're both safe now." I say trying to comfort her. "What if he comes back?" Amber asks. "If he does we will have protection this time, we will know what to do but hopefully he won't come back. I'm not gonna let him hurt you again." I say. "Thank you" she says as she turns to kiss me gently. I pull her hair from her face and rub her cheek with my thumb. Even with all the IV's and wires, she's still the money gorgeous girl i've ever seen. She's still crying slightly so I just hold her until we both drop off to sleep.

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