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Ambers POV
        Me and Tara are on the way to the movie, we're singing our hearts out to Conan Gray. I'm really excited to see this movie, I've always loved the Stab franchise and horror in general but I know Tara doesn't really care for slasher movies. I really don't want Tara to get scared but i'm here if she does. We get to the movie theater and I instantly run in front of Tara

Taras POV
      We get to the movies and Amber instantly runs in, it's cute how she's so excited just to see a movie. I get out of the car and walk to find the others. I find them inside talking. I go to look for Amber, she's already got our tickets and popcorn. "Here you go!" Ambers says handing me my ticket.   
          The group begins walking to the theater. We get there and take out seats; the seats are Amber, Me, Mindy, Liv,Chad,and Wes. I'm glad I get to sit next to Amber, she makes me feel safe. About 10 minutes into the movie, i'm already scared and i bury myself into Ambers shoulder.

        She laughs and keeps watching the movie. About halfway through , I'm still scared and Amber sticks out her hand "When you get scared squeeze my hand" Amber tells me. I instantly grab her hand. The movie ends and i'm laying on her shoulder and squeezing her hand. "What did you think?" I ask Amber. "It was good, but as good as the original but it was good" she says. I smile, Im glad she enjoyed it even thought it sorta scared me.

Ambers POV
        "Wanna stay over at my house" I ask Tara. "Yes!" Tara responds instantly. "Can i just wear your clothes so we don't have to stop at my house" Tara asks. "Yeah of course, you look better in my clothes than I do" I say. Shit why did i say that, i mean she does look really good in my clothes and she could wear them everyday if she wanted to but why did i have to say that. I look over at her and for a second I think I see her smile and blush just a little. "Thank you" she says blushing a little. We keep talking until we get to my house.

        We pull into my driveway and I see my Dads car. Oh shit I didn't know they'd be home... "Im sorry i didn't know they'd be here" I say quietly. "Hey it's ok" Tara says putting her hand on mine" I grab her hand and she looks at me and smile. We walk in and thankfully my parents are asleep. We head up my room.

         "Thanks for letting me stay over" Tara says. "You know you can come here whenever you want, I like it when your here"I say and i feel myself blush a little. Tara lays on my bed, I lay down next to her. "Wanna watch a movie?"she asks. "Yeah sure what movie?" I ask her. "Umm let's watch The Conjuring" Tara replies. We turn the movie on and we lay down. I feel myself jump and Tara reaches her hand out. "Squeeze my hand when your scared" Tara says. I grab her hand and keep watching the movie.

        Tara really is gorgeous, I could stare into her dark brown eyes for a eternity and her smile lights up the whole room. Being this close to her makes butterflies just enter my body and I can't stop this. About halfway through the movie Tara's head drops on my shoulder, I can tell she's getting tired. "Want me to turn the movie off and we can go to sleep?" I ask. "No its ok i'm not tired" she says. I look ever at her and I can tell her eyelids are getting heavy, she's tired she just doesn't want to admit it.

        In about 10 minutes Tara is deep asleep on my shoulder. I turn the movie down and pull a blanket over us. "I love you" I whisper in her ear even though she's asleep. She moves her head onto my chest and next thing I know we are both asleep.

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