9:Finding Out

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Tara's POV
      "What the fuck" I hear someone say. They woke me up, I look up to see Mindy,Chad and Liv standing at Ambers door. I realize i'm still in Ambers arms. "Amber wake up" I say quietly as I brush her hair out of her face. "Oh uhm hey?" I say. Amber wakes up and sits up. "Oh fuck."She says. "What the hell did we just see?"Chad asks. "Gay lovers of course" Mindy replies sarcastically. "Nothing."Amber says quickly. "It didn't look like nothing." Liv says. "It looked like Tara was literally laying on Ambers chest and Amber had her arms all around Tara... that's a little gay, just saying" Mindy says.

        I throw a pillow at Mindy and hit her in the face. I look at Amber, she looks worried. "It's nothing." I say. Amber grabs my hand under the blanket. I rub my thumb over her finger, trying to comfort her without words. "Ok anyways What happened with Wes?" Chad asks. "It was nothing, just normal Wes shit"I say. "Then why did he run out with his nose bleeding and he was crying?" Liv asks. "Cause he's a fucking pussy" Amber mumbles. I laugh slightly.

       "Look it was nothing, he was just being fucking rude and stupid and Amber punched him." I say. "Oh hell protective girlfriend." Mindy says. "Yeah you know what maybe I am" Amber says. I smile slightly,hearing Ambers remark. "What was that Freeman?" Chad says. Amber looks at me for reassurance, I smile and nod. "I said, Maybe I am a protective girlfriend." She says with a smirk. Livs mouth drops. "Oh hell yeah more gays"Mindy says. "Wait are you two like dating?" Liv asks. "Yes stupid we are dating." Tara says. "I knew it" Mindy says. "So like how long have y'all been together?" Chad asks. "Like 2 weeks" I say. "Oh cool" Liv says.

       "Well we will leave you two alone, keep it pg-13 in here." Mindy says with a wink. They leave. "Well they know"Amber says. "Yep, are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I had a nightmare about the attack."Amber says. "I'm sorry,come here" I say as I motion for her to come closer to me. Amber lays next to me, with her head on my chest. "I love you"I whisper into her ear. "I love you too"Amber says as she pulls my head and connects our lips.

        We kiss slowly for about 5 minutes when Amber positions her self on top of me. We continue to kiss, it grows faster and more passionate. "WHAT THE FUCK" Mindy yells. We stop kissing and Amber turns her head. "Shit" I hear Amber say. She quickly gets off my me. "That literally traumatized me, I said keep it Pg-13 not literally fuck." Mindy says. "What did you need Mindy?" Amber asks. "Nothing, Liv and Chad were making out and I was bored but you two seem busy so i'll leave" Mindy says as she shuts the door.

       Amber lays next to me. "I'm sorry love" Amber says. "No it's okay, I was enjoying it." I say as I kiss Ambers lips again. "Mhm me too" Amber says as she kisses me back. The door busts open again. "FUCKING HORNY LITTLE SHITS" Mindy yells. "Leave" I say. Mindy shuts the door. "We need to do this when we won't get interrupted." I say. "I agree, lets just cuddle?" Amber asks. I pull her into me. I kiss her forehead as we lay there, just enjoying each others presence.

authors note
this is just a filler chapter i thought some of this was funny. idk what to write next so leave some suggestions

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