Chapter 130: The Great Heist

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A/n: Guess who's back bitches! I'm sorry guys for not updating your favorite fanfiction here because I am dealing with school, Christmas, entering Christmas parties three times in one month, and create two of my new novels in Wattpad and Webnovel, especially my new one in here, [War of the Worlds: Armageddon], if you guys were interest on Military vs Demons, this is for you.


(Western Region, Republic of Aetrlus, Bornatiol State, Near the Trans-Ziberial Railway)

One Month After the War in the Meccan Kingdom.

The Republic of Aetlrus was one of the continent's major superpowers that sported a very large continental military and with the population over 488 million of humans and beastmen. With over 22 states, nations, or territories in the Aetlrus Federation that each constitute a federal subject, the highest-level administrative division of the Republic territory.

In fact, the entire nation's lands and geographical size is equivalent to the Russian Federation back on Earth, known to be the second largest nation in Fordalt besides with the Senadate Theocracy on the first and the Velderan Empire in the third.

Geographic class aside, the scene then shows a place somewhere in the Bornatiol State, one of the 22 territories of the Aetlrus Republic. On the scene what looked to be a small patch of salt flats, sat a base that seemed to be crawling with guards, armored or not, all wearing outfits designed with white and cyan color.

Nobody mistaken what these soldiers were, they knew them to be the Republican Paladins, part of the People's Liberation Army.

The base itself was around a medium size with one main building and a couple of smaller shacks around it with hallways connecting to them altogether.

The main part of the base was the railroad in the middle of the base, and tonight, the train was more busy with the Republican Guards and mounts, airships, and other kinds of vehicles being used to transport large objects.

Unbeknownst to all the guards and workers of the base was the presence of a lone Jeep sitting still with no lights on the top of a hill in the distance. But what made this Jeep unusual was it was invisible, no, it completely erased its presence with a simple spell {Perfect Unknowable} and another spell that counters surveillance magic and technology, and protects from radio waves. No noise was emitted from the car even though it can be very loud if the stealth spell isn't being used.

Though the vehicle is completely undetectable, there was another noise that could be easily heard outside that not even the spell could hide it.

"Hhhhhuggghhh... mr-potato-mm...!"

"Nogla, shut the fuck up!"

The loud snore-sleep-talking-annoying-asshole guy in a green flannel known as Nogla sat up from his sleeping position in the trunk looking confused. He looked up to see the intense glare that was being sent to him from the Pig Beastmen in a white helmet with pink ears poking out, it is THE PIG, otherwise known as Wildcat.

The Pig Beastmen turned back around with a sigh after a second of glaring at the snoring idiot. The car was finally silent in the inside until the one in the driver's seat, wearing red and white Jacket wore a magical mask to turn his owl face features into an asian human before turned his back, looking at the guy in a blue hoodie and hockey mask, the psychopathic idiot himself, Delirious.

"Delirious, are you sure you got the right time?"

The hockey mask man turned his head from the window, revealing his two ocean blue eyes deep within the abyssal holes.

"Pfft...! Duh, You know me!" He said, leaning on the seat back looking smug.

The other man, who is an Owl, now became Asian, is Vanoss, who is unimpressed.

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