Chapter 72: The Princess/Saintess

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The next few days were relatively peacefully for our lovable retarded heroes

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The next few days were relatively peacefully for our lovable retarded heroes.

The group spent most of the time in the house they rented in Orazvil City. But right now, they are readying their weapons while Vanoss was polishing his crowbar.

They were planning to go back to the 3rd City Section, returning to the Adventurers Guild, meeting old friends like the Caeruleum Guardians then went back to the Dungeon dealing at the 71th Floor.

But then, something happened, just yesterday, the whole members of Team 6 suddenly felt a disturbance in the mana within them, they were stunned at first before at the exact same time, they felt their mana increase significantly and felt they became a god for a second. Like a butterfly has finally come out of its cocoon.

Team 6 had finally advanced towards <B–> rank.

All of them were excited, it's kinda like their leveling up and their physical characteristics became twice as fast than before.

Before, each of them could crush a 10 meter size boulder to dust in more than 5 seconds. But now, they crushed it for a matter of seconds now.

It was very exciting, but it immediately died down when they thought it's not that very impressive in this world.

However, unbeknownst to the whole group. Reaching <B–> rank while they were <C–> rank just one and a half months ago, reaching an entire rank for a month is considered to be completely unheard of in this world.

The cultivation ranks on Fordalt are a bit complicated, because reaching to the next rank will take YEARS to accomplish. Example like an individual at <D–> rank, the average rate of time it takes reaching <D–> to <D> rank will take more than a year unless relying on very harsh training. But most very Talented individuals will take 3-6 months to advance. But reaching an entire rank for a very short period of time, their talents can be considered beyond monstrous and out of this world.

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