bloody flowers

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Nate pov

After I got off the phone with my beloved star flower, he appeared.
He makes my teeth ache, and bloodthirsty .

You know she going to make a delicious snack.

"No she can't end up like the others" I said picking up my teal electric guitar

Why not

"One she been around with dogs 2 I have feeling for her. Like actually feelings."

You said that last time with Christina.

"Thats not the point" I said

I set down my guitar down and walked to the mirror right beside the front door. My face wasn't my pale complexion ,my purple tear stain ((as I like to call them)) to my glowing red eyes to show he wasnt leaving. I refuse to be another puppet in your game. I tried to go to my fridge, but she knocked on the door. I took deep breathe , hopefully making him go away. It didn't. I open the door right after I heard the vehicle drive away.

"Hey star flower " I said with a happy smile on my face. I decided to give her a friendly smile.

Oh how I missed this smell.

Back fowl beast.

I Invite her in. I staggered In because I was making sure ,she doesn't have a stray dog following her. I finally shut the door,looked in the mirror.
SHIT! I need something to drink. I don't care if it brandy, wine , or....


I could feel natemare smiling in the back of my mind.

I look up to see her invesgating my song journal binder thingy.

I sneak over to her and say , " good song huh"

She was looking at the song I want play for homecoming.

she jumped ,"y-yea yeah it is"


I walked back over to my guitar stand" good I'm going to play it during homecoming as one of my songs. "

"Uh hey nate "

1, mare whispered

"Uh was it ok that it didn't get your thing done " she said

Her voice i liked to hear. Especially when I get thrown to the back my mind. Not able to control my own body any more. The only way is for him to drink the plasma. All the think I ask for you mare, is to not kill her. And to my star flower, run.

Celestial pov
Don't let him get you

Duh. He gotten so close to me I tipped the recliner back.  I lay there till there.

"Clestial get to the fridge" said a female ghostly figure. I quickly stood up . She got in front of me.

"This way" she looked alot like the girl who was latched on to nathan ,when he met my mom. The girl who barked stay away.
I notice  nate wasn't racing us.  We on the other and were running around his maze of a house.

Eventually get there. Nathan was around. I could feel it. I scan the dimly lit room. I walked over to the icebox like fridge. I open it up. Layer on Layer, of apple sauces. Huh , how's this going to help?
Then I felt cold stiff hand on my shoulders. I freeze. Shit. I felt his warm breath go down my spine.

He got close to my ear.

"You thought you could back here ,love "

He force my body to face him.

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