6th time WE'RE FRIENDS

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To day I wake up on my own for once. I don't know,why I'm confused , I had strange dream about mark and Nathan asking me to homecoming. That was strange. They have tune of girl friends. Mark has the cheerleaders drooling, and nathan has his band. There has to be a hot girl in there.

Well homecoming , what two weeks away. I'm not going. I finished getting ready, I run out with a note on the table.

"Sorry I got called in early"
Just as I read the note a knock was heard at the door. I quickly put toast in the toaster

I slowly open the door, to see the same pale guy that wanted the commission.

"Hey Nathan "

"Hey my little star flower"

I'm not yours

"Can I walk to school with today" he said

Just then my toast popped. I held a finger to signal to wait one moment.
I grab the toast and put on in my mouth and offer him the other slice.

"No thanks I'm bread intolerance " he said politely. he offered his hand.

"Sorry I'm hand intolerance " I said. So he let me lead the way.

"OH I want you to meet someone " Nathan said

He held my wrist and ran on the side walk. Man, is he fit. I had a hard time keeping up with him.

We soon were behind a semi tall guy, who was wearing a black and green jacket.

"Hey Matt"nathan said poking his shoulder.

Matt stopped and turned around. Nathan finally let go of my hand.

"i want you to meet some"

matt intreupted," well if it My competior, Clestial Flur. matt scowled at me

i stayed silent.

"i forgot you dont speak" he said

matt truned around and walk brisklely away. he such a snob. nathan ran to catch up with him. i stayed behind walking slowly, till I get a message on my phone,

It read

Hey it s me mark COme to lunch at my table, my crew want to get to know you.

i text ok.

i ran into the school to locker 130 which was my locker.

i was on the sofmore side of the schoool, since i am. i tecticly can graduate with the seniors. since you know. head to my first class, art. i walk to class. only to be greeted by mr. jazza. thats not his last name it just what he prefers.

"welcome to class" he said poining to my seat. more and more poeple come as the seconds go by.

he shut the door and yelled," g'day class and welcome to class, your priciable told me that this year im incharge of planning homecoming decorating."

i look around and relize it was the seniors were in the class.

" so ideas for homecoming theme" he said turning on the board. he grabed his styles and faced the board.

they started throwing out ideas like, Starry Night, maskrade , hollywood,.

"what about a beach part were girls can wear are bikinis" said one of the girls

of course the cheerleader like that idea. i didn't i look over see amy is curled up against mark.

" wouldnt that go againts dress code" said a guy

" who cares tyler , well look hot" said amy

"you'll have to talk to the princable about that" mr. jazza put a question mark by beach

the class was silient for a moment

" is that it all"

the class was silent.

"ill take that as yes, no do we have a king and queen"

all the girls scream ,duh, of couse ya,

the boys just shook there head. there was no use of talking the girls out off it. the bell soon rang after that. we all left the room.

time skip

lunch time

i walked into the hell hole we call the group gathering arena. I look across to find Mark. He was no where to be found. I was getting pushed around in the sea.

"Move punk" said a guy as I fell.

I frount me I say a guy walking twords me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting little rabbit" Mark said

He grab my wrist and pulled me up. His hand wernt smoothe, like nathan. We walk tword the table that had, a boy with blue hair, 2 tall guys, and one that I think resemble the fatness of a boar.
Mark put me at the center of the circleness of the table.

"Guy please be nice, Cleastial I promise they won't bite." Mark said

"I might bite" said the fat one licking his lips. He might eat me too.
Mark Elbow him In the stomach.

"Thats Bob next to him is wade ,Tyler and Ethan next to you."

I wave at the, nervously.

"So we heard you had thing for football cap" said Bob

"We do not have a thing." Mark yelled slamming his hand down on the table. It startled every one the cafeteria was quiet. All of sudden out of know where, my head starts to pound. I stood up and told them I was going to the bathroom.

"Ok don't fall in" said Tyler try to make a joke.

I walk my way to the bathroom, once I get into the stall, I close my eyes

In whisper tone I herd somthing call out to me.

Don't go back , don't go back

Why. I open my eyes, I was still on the toilet. I slowly open the door And I run out.  Mark had his head down. Bob was petty his back. Just as I reach my chair. Amy swooped in, stealing it.

"HEY Markimoo "she giggled

Mark slowly lifted his head up.  I saw on of mark eyes was yellow. He quickly closed that eye and said tiredly" hi amy"

"Why didn't you sit with me today" she whined

"It's Monday and I've told you that Monday I sit with the boys." Mark said there was a slight growling his tone.

"I can sit with you sweet amy" Ethan said who was on his knees kissing her shoes.

"Eww no " she kicked him away.

Ethan held his nose.

"Amy I'm ssorry but you ccant sit here today." Said wade

Amy stepped over Ethan, and went over to touch mark. Tyler stood up slap her hand "sorry but mark is suffering a very bad headache"

Mark was hyper ventilating. Something wrong ,his head was down.
I bend down and whispered in his ear "you ok "

He turned his head and noded slightly.

"Why is she hear "Amy yelled. She pointed at me like I was a was run away bolt that sprung a leak.

"She was invited by mark him self"

The same voice as the bathroom, spoke as I stood there he's not normal pain PAIN

"The vegetable doesn't need be touching him"

Out with the nicknames. I threw up, my hands and walked away.

Time skip to after school

I had my bag and I stepped out the school and walked home.

What happen to day? It started with the dream, then the voices. What is the deal with he's not normal. Does his have mental disorder?

Monster don't exist! If they do why hide, if you think we could all be monsters.

monsters..are they realDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora