shopping with a FRIEND

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Celestie pov

I woke up with a golden retriever licking my arm. This must be chica. I pet her. She soon stopped and walk away around the corner wagging her tail.

"What is girl" I whispered as I got up. I walk around the corner, and out jumped mark. "RAH" he said as he scared me . He squated with his fingered curled to look like claws. I jumped.

He soon reframwd from attacking me. He put his claws away, and said,"good morning, little rabbit, you don't mind me calling you little rabbit do you"

I shook my head.
"It's better than the other name."

I walk over to my bag. And grabbed a change of clothes. Mark was in the kitchen, thinking about making something. Or it seemed like it. I was making my way to the bathroom when he asked"Hey little rabbit what do you want to eat"

"I don't know pancakes " I said

"Ok" he smiled

I walked to the bathroom. After locking the door, I got unchanged. I changed my clothes, to black pants the wernt ripped,a semi faded blue shirt whith some white spots. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair wasn't that messy. So I decided to not brush my hair.

I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out smelling pancakes, and a tail wagging chica.

"How's the pancakes mark." I ask

Lost in thought mark said"huh, oh there going...perfect "

"So that why your burning one" I said chuckling.

He quickly turned his head to the skillet and cussed. I walk over to the couch to grab my phone. I turn it on to see my dad was texting me," where are you, come home" phrases link that.
But on stood out to me it read,hey I'm sorry for the way your step mom treats you. But she has a good heart, like your mom did.

That's a lie. He probably was drunk. He forgot to mention the kids. There no good asshole,who are fucking bastard who should....

"Breakfast is ready." Mark yelled. I jumped a little. I sat down at the table soon to be greeted by the steaming pancakes. They were perfectly stacked except 1 which was off to the siide. I could see mark put butter on them by cream colored, almost white squares on the pancakes.

I waited for mark to get the stuff, since I didn't know where the plates were. He did that just as his brother got up.

"Morning Jason "I said waving awkwardly.

He Waved and sat across from me. Mark soon joined us, afte4 he grabbed theMr. Butters worth pancakes syrup. I grabed my fork and stab the leaning pancake, and drizzle the sticky brown goo, on it. I took a bite out of it. I couldn't describe how delicious this is, I could taste cinnamon.

"This good"

Mark laughed," no one can resist my pancakes."

"Any way what are we getting a the store" Jason said chowing down the pancakes.

"We need get more pancake syrup, the stuff to fix the car, and something for lunch." Mark said.

I gave him a thumb up. After we got done we cleaned up, got our shoes on and headed out to mark's truck. The two brothers sat in the front I sat in back. Mark started the vehicle, we drove off, to the local store. It was called hellos foods. If you can tell ,they want to get the food first.

I didn't argue of course. Mark parked closer to the back. I whined alittle bit.

"Hey! stop complaining, this way you can eat what you want with lunch." Mark said scolding me.

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