pixxies and football

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At school

Celestial pov

I was at my locker. Subseptible for attacks. Then I heard footsteps.

"Hey little rabbit " Mark creep behind me

"Hey red dog" I whispered with smile as i turned around

"Hey uh do you wanna come to the football game"

He did say he would be acting weird. I'm a the pixxe.

I shook my head yes.

"Good if I start acting weird come directly to the blecher, and during the pep rally just wait till it over. But I'll ask your mom i you can stay the night, actually can you call her during lunch"

I made thumbs up.

The bell rang  time for class.

Time skip to lunch.

I walked over to the table. Mark was standing up waiting for me. I pull out my phone

"Thanks" he took it ,"Uh can you unlock phone bring your mom contact up"

he handed me my phone back. i put in the code  5-4-2-2

i pulled up the contact that read miranda flur. i slowly handed it back so iwouldnt drop it.

He soon put my phone next to his left ear.

"hey miss flur? ya. its him. ya,  i Have a question . Ya? "

what were they tallking about? Please say yes.  then i saw him fist bump the air.

"ill tell her that, ill see you later miss. flur. bye" he lifited the phone frome his ear. his smile grew.

" looks like mark jsut got a date to football game." said bob

" now you have to win" said ethan," i wont be there because pearnts dont want me to 'it to dangrous.'"

" dont worry bud ill be texting the deets " said tyler

then there was running footsteps. my head all of a sudden felt light. words felt like they were started to slow and slur.

my limbs went knumb

"little rabbit." i felt mark yell.

bam like that i felt into the balck void.

mark pov

once I handed Clestie back her phone, Amy came runing twords me.


" what do you want " i said

" i want you get away from these weridos " she looked down to find ethan hugging on her leg." and  Fucking clingy disgusting rat you call a friend" she kicked him

i look over at Clestie. Her eyes grew distant almost in a dazed state.  something In me wants me to help. since ive eve droped on her and her mom conversation, I know that she actuly can help surpress him tonight.
I ran twords her yelling ," little rabbit. " the cafteria went quiet  amy nwas tugging on my arm.

"dont worry about the vegtiable"

I notice her eye slowly roll to the back to her head. she was about fall backword. i caught her. Her fragal face never seen so broken till now.
amy stomped over.
" nobody give a FLYING  fuck about this girl. expecsily us"
i look up at her non of that was true, my pack cared, her mom maybe her dad cared, I cared.

" what if i cared Amy "

the silent never seem to be so loud.

"you dont care about you never did." she turned around ," raise your hand if you cared"

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