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It's your maid Haejin.

I am seriously getting ill. It had been a privilege to work for the Kim's all these years. Because of your kindness I was able to feed my son with meal's.

I don't think I will make it out alive. I only have a son. His name is Kim Seokjin. He is a brilliant child. But unfortunately, he was born for this maid.

So as a last request, please give him a job there. I don't want him to wander on the streets where men are waiting to take advantage of his innocence. He is pure.

He knows house chores just like me. Please provide him with shelter and three meal's, that is enough for him.

Thank you for everything Mr. Kim.

Good bye

Seojoon looked at the male in front of him with sympathy. The boy had obvious stain's of tear's on his face. He knows the maid Haejin that worked for them. She had worked here almost 27 years back. She went back to her hometown during an emergency and came back after years. Since then she has been working for them. She was a loyal one.

It was last month that she took a long leave due to her illness to go to her hometown. Never thought she wouldn't make it out alive.

"When did it happen?" The older man asked.

"T-Three days back S-Sir Kim."

"Hmmm. We already hired a maid in place of Hae Jin. But don't worry. We have a room for you too. Do you know how to cook?"

Looking at Jin Seo Joon, I can say that the boy was tender. He doesn't want to give any difficult task to him. Besides, everyone in this household loved Haejin's cooking. She was considered the head chef of the kitchen. He hopes that this boy mastered some of her skills too.

"Yes. I l-like cooking." Jin said with sparkle's in his eyes. He loved cooking. Wanted to study culinary art's but was not that fortunate to have higher education.

"Then you are hired inside the Kim mansion. You. Take him to the maid's quarters and show him his room. Help him with all the information."

"Yes. Mr. Kim." The maid bowed her head. Jin followed her like a puppy. It was early in the morning. So he didn't get to see much of the mansion's resident's other than a lot of maid's on his way towards the backdoor of the mansion that leads to the quarter's.

He had taken the early train from Daegu. The only money he had was given for Haejin's funeral. And for the rest he took a train to Seoul, where kingsloy' mansion was residing. He was hungry. He hadn't been eating anything for the past two days.

His body was deprived of fluids and food as he had been crying continuously without end.

"This is your room. You will be sharing it with.... Beomgyu!.." The girl tapped on a door inside the quarter's. The door opened and a cutie stepped out yawning.

"What do you want noona?"

"Weren't you whining about not having a roommate. This is...."

"Jin. Seokjin." Jin said, giving a small smile to his new co-worker.

"Wow! Come here. You don't know how lonely I was." Beomgyu pulled the male inside.

Jin looked around the room. A modest looking room with two single beds. Two separate cupboard's and a table in the middle. It is much luxurious than his broken home back in Daegu.

"So you are new here?" The maid left them alone.

"yes I am the son of the head maid Hae Jin." Jin kept his bag on the other bed which Beomgyu pointed for him.

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