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Jin stood in front of the huge white metal gate that separates him from his new beginning. He had a black bag clutched on to his muddied white T shirt. His worn out jeans looked like they had been in use for a good couple of year's.

His eye looks swollen as if he was crying for several hours.

Jin looked at the huge bodyguard's in front of the mansion gate in fear. One of them approached him when they felt suspicious about the male.

Jin clutched on to his bag when they approached him with their big step's. He was terrified. He knew nothing about rich people.

All his life, he was looked down upon for being a maid's son.

"Who are you? What are you doing here boy?" They asked him, ready to grab him and throw him out of their view.

Jin took a step back but fiddled with his pocket's to take out an almost crumpled letter from his pocket.

He pointed it towards one of them. With a suspicious look the taller one among them grabbed the letter from his tender hand's.

Jin stood there expectantly, looking at them to say something. He looked here and there in that expensive looking lonely neighborhood. Even though the place had many other mansion's, The one Jin was currently standing stood out for its magnificent structure and humongous garden. Unlike the other houses, only the 'Kingsloy' mansion stood out like this from the rest.

"Come with us."

The man who was reading the letter walked Jin towards the gate. The electric white gate with golden embellishments opened with a screech.

Jin gasped at the view in front of him. The mansion was huge, spread out like a vast maze. White painting's with detailed golden works adorned its huge wall's. Royal blue coloured tile topped for the roof.

To put it together, the mansion looked like a medieval palace.

The guard talked with someone on the ear piece he was wearing. Jin looked all around him in awe.

The 27 year old still looked like a child with innocence.

The mansion door was opened by a girl wearing a black and white tight fitted dress. Her hair was held into a ponytail. Face blank with no smile or frown. Just bland. Jin wondered who she was.

"Take him to Sir Kim. Hand him this letter."

The girl took the letter from the bodyguard. Jin followed behind her with steady step's. But his insides were burning with fear.

The white pristine marble's sparkled with his stillout's.

After passing several mahogany doors, they reached a huge office door. The maid knocked on it twice and stood there waiting.

After hearing a bell, the maid opened the door to that huge office. Mr. Kim Seojoon was sitting there reading a book. Yes, reading a book. The man in his early 50's had only little to do in that office. All the finance and business was now carried out by his three sons. But the old man still liked to spend his time inside his office. It keeps him calm.

But his better half would soon find him and give him an earful for spending his time cooped up in this office.

Seojoon looked in front of him and saw a boy and one of their maid's standing there. He gave a questioning gaze to her. So she gave him the letter she was holding before he had the chance to ask what.

Seojoon opened the letter analyzing the male in front of him. He looked terrified.

Master kim,

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