Jin: Joon-ie?' Jin called him softly and Namjoon looked up with his puffy eyes. Jin spread his arms, 'Here! Come to hyung.'

Namjoon sobbed out loudly before he crashed on his hyung's embrace and cried hard in his arms while mumbling thousands of apologies to Jin.

Namjoon: S-sorry hyung-ie...won't d-do again...p-please d-don't s-stay angry...so s-sorry.' He kept mumbling again and again. Jin just stayed quiet and let him cry while he rubbed Namjoon's back to comfort him.

Jin knows Namjoon is guilty. He knows Namjoon didn't mean any harm or anything like that. He knows his baby just wanted to make him and others happy...but it turned out wrong once again!

Yes! He knows everything; he understands Namjoon's mind's state.... But can he let it slide easily? Never....cause the scene he saw in the kitchen, will remain fresh on his mind for a long time and will scare him in his dreams....


Jin was trying to get some sleep in his room. His room is pitch black now, windows shut off, curtains closed...his headache is increasing in each and every minute. He took some pain killers and till now he should at least has a slumber, but no! There is no sign on a slight off sleep in anywhere near him!

Jin groaned in frustration as he rolled on his bed. He is having a weird feeling...Like he always gets whenever something happens with any of his brothers. His mother like instinct is warning him for something bad and he can't just shrug it off.

He finally decided to let down the idea of sleeping and sat on his bed's edge. He grabbed his phone from side table and checked the time. He checked all the texts and mails.

Jin asked everyone's whereabouts and Yoongi said he will be back soon in their group chat and Hobi asked Yoongi to pick him up in way back home.

Jin then texted Taehyung to know if everything is alright there. Tae texted back that Jimin and Jungkook left some minutes ago and also informed Jin that they will be in ice-cream shop. And he will also told that he will come back home in some hours with Jungkook's reports.

Jin then texted Jimin, but he didn't response. Maybe he is driving? Jin put down the phone and sighed looking at the ground. Jimin and Jungkook should be back by one hour even if they went to have ice-cream.

Jin just couldn't shrug of the weird feelings. Until his every brother is home, he can't just get relax. He decided to check on Namjoon. And that was the best decision on his life for the day...

Seokjin first checked on Namjoon's room, which was empty. So he came downstairs hoping Namjoon will be in living room. But he wasn't there also! Jin frowned and called him loudly.

But no one answered him, despite of that he heard a sound of something crashing from inside of the kitchen and soon a painful groan followed. Jin jumped at the noise and ran towards the kitchen...What he saw there made his blood boil and freeze at the same time!

The whole kitchen is messed up, white flours are all over the floor, a porcelain plate is crashed in the ground and the sink is looking terrible. The kitchen is full of a burnt smell and the most dangerous scene is...Namjoon!

Namjoon was standing just in front of the stove and the fire is in it's maximum level! Namjoon is standing too close to the fire, he isn't being able to control the fire. He is having a hard time to control it and Jin freaked out when he saw the fire raised high and it almost catch up Namjoon's clothing!

Jin ran to Namjoon in a blink of eye and pulled him backwards hardly making them both fell in the ground with Namjoon on Jin's arms, holding him protectively....

The rest of the story is quite simple. Jin made the stove off and Namjoon stood there with a scared figure, he knew he messed up big time.

Jin in first instinct of his fear and anger, slapped the boy across his face and scolded harshly right then and there! Namjoon didn't speak a word! Jin sent him in the living room and tried to bring his mind back by gulping some water and sat on the dining table for some moments.

He was scared...like really scared when he saw Namjoon in that position, like that near of fire. He was scared. He was angry to his dongsaeng for not listening him, not obeying him. His head was throbbing in pain... He was feeling terrible in a word.

Flashback ended#

Namjoon's sobbing finally stopped and Jin slowly parted the hug. He spooned Namjoon and found the boy dozed off in his embrace! He must be tired from all those crying and stressing out earlier. Jin smiled a little looking at his sleeping figure at how cute he is looking while sleeping with puffy tear-stained cheeks and red nose...

Jin picked up the boy carefully in his arms like a koala and carried him to Namjoon's room upstairs. He put him on the bed and covered his body with blanket.

Namjoon whined a little not getting his hyungs warmth anymore, but didn't wake up. Cause Jin quickly sent him to sleep with some soft kisses on his forehead and Namjoon smiled on his sleep enjoying his hyung's loving gestures.

Jin's lips crept up with a warm smile, 'Such a kid. Why all my babies are same in this matter?' he thought as caressed his cheek where he slapped earlier with a saddened look. He hates to hurt his brothers always.

It's not like Namjoon won't get punishment, but he decided to let him take some sleep before they deal thoroughly with this matter. Jin stared at his innocent feature and felt a lump on his throat while he remembered the incident again...

~Why you are so stupid Joon-ie? If something happened to you, how could I forgive myself?' Jin felt tears rolling down through his face, he quickly wiped them up and ruffled Namjoon's messy hair, 'Sleep well, my baby.' Jin whispered softly before giving a peck on Namjoon's hair and left the room to come downstairs again.

Jin thought that was the reason of his weird feelings...But he was wrong. Something bigger than that was waiting for him. And he got sure about it the moment he heard the loud bang on main door...and Jimin barged in with a half-conscious Jungkook on his arms...

~J-JIN HYUNG! H-HELP!' Jimin's begging broken voice echoed the whole mansion...



{Hey! Long time...How are you all doing, huh?}

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