Chapter 10: Here Comes Santa Claus.

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"Alpha Team, Beta Team, any luck finding our gophers?" Thorp calls out on his COM to be updated on the status as they head towards the door with Jason and Gertrude. But he freezes when all he hears is dead air. "Alpha, Beta, come back." He frowns and turns towards Scrooge, "Just how dangerous is this asshole?"

Scrooge grew worried but didn't show it, "There's no way he took out the entire Extraction Team."

"Anybody, answer me, g**damn it!" Thorp shouts into the radio.

Suddenly, a voice erupts through the speakers...

"Here comes Santa Claus."

"Son of a bitch!" Scrooge grits his teeth. He turns towards his team, "Krampus, you stay here with the other hostages, don't take your eyes off them for one second and kill anybody who shows up. Candy Cane, Gingerbread...there's no way the Doc is with that guy while he took down the team, she's gotta be close though. Find that bitch and find that little brat of a We're going to get the money." He states and shoves Jason to go ahead to lead them all towards the money.

Santa pants and tosses the bad guy's walkie-talkie away and holds on to his own, "Noelle, Trudy, I'm heading inside. I'm gonna get your family out."

Noelle smiles, "I knew you had it in you. Welcome back, Nikomund."

"The new and improved Nikomund." Santa grins. "You know, it's really sexy when you call me that." He chuckles.

Noelle rolls her eyes at the walkie-talkie, "If you don't get your ass killed, you'll be hearing me say that very often." Her voice drops to a whisper, "Especially when we're alone."

Santa chuckles with a knowing smile, "Ho, ho, ho."

Candy Cane and Gingerbread searched upstairs for Noelle and Trudy, but every room was empty. Candy Cane realizes they haven't checked one place...the attic. When they reached the ladder that led up there, the see a welcome mat laid out on the floor in front of the ladder...and it was covered with screws, nails, razor blades.

Gingerbread scoffs, "Look at this little idiot."

Noelle and Trudy both gasp and turns fast at the sound of voices. It sounded like they were right below them, by the attic entrance. Trudy clicks on the walkie-talkie.

"Oh, no."

Santa freezes he steps as he hears the terror in that little girl's voice, "What?"

Noelle takes the walkie-talkie, "Nick...they found us." She whispers. "The bad guys are right outside the attic ladder." She trembles.

Panting in fear for Noelle and Trudy, "Okay." He takes off running as fast as he could, "I'm coming. Hide, now!"

Noelle grabs Trudy and rushes to find a hiding spot for the two of them. They jump and dodge the traps they had laid out for the bad guys. She rushes towards a corner and slides down with Trudy, hiding in the shadows with her as they listen.

Gingerbread easily walks over the spiked welcome mat and exams the ladder, spying the very large nail stuck in one of the steps.

He scoffs and calls out, "You know, booby traps don't work unless you hide them." He taunts and looks up the attic, completely missing the very large crack in the ladder step under him. "You little moron." He stomps up the ladder step and slams his foot in the crack. It breaks under him and makes him fall and land right on the spiked nail. Gingerbread yells in pain as he feels the nail stab through his chin and into his mouth.

Candy Cane grimaces, "Jesus! Shit!" She yells.

Trudy covers her mouth and giggles, happy that it worked. Noelle hushes her and holds her tight. She looks around and sees an old trampoline that Gertrude use to use for exercising. An idea came to her head as she also spies the bowling balls.

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