Chapter 5: Naughty or Nice

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With the family still held in the family room, they all try to remain calm.  Knowing Gertrude, she had to be prepared for something like this.  Jason and Linda tried to keep Trudy calm despite all.  Morgan, so full of himself yet scared shitless, tries to continue and impress Alva.  The only reason why he was with her was that her mother had great connections. 

"So much like a scene from my movie Dark Ransom," Morgan smirks as Alva continues to fall for his charms. "If they didn't have guns, I could take out three, maybe four of them."

Alva scoffs, "Try all of them." She remarks sarcastically. 

Gertrude cleans herself up and hands Alva the blood tissue.  Alva looks at it in disgust and moves away, "Ew, Mom. Yuck!"

Ignoring her daughter, Gertrude was never going to show these people any fear.  Believing that the only reason they would be here: kidnapping and money.  But she'll have the last laugh. "If you'd really done your research, you'd know that my brother, Rory, was kidnapped in the 70s." She states, watching the one called Mr. Scrooge look over his shoulder, "But my father never called the police." She smirks.  "Dad sent in our own private extraction team, and Rory was home safe and sound a week later." She leans in closer, her smirk growing.  "And the kidnappers were never found.  If you get me." She hints. 

Mr. Scrooge snorts and turns towards her, walking close to her, "I know." He lifts a foot on top of the large coffee table, "I know all about your extraction team that you affectionately call 'the Kill Squad' behind closed doors. I also know that they're on their way and how long it's gonna take 'em to get here.  I even know their credit ratings and their dick sizes.  If you get me." He throws back her own words. 

Chuckling dryly, "Then you should know you're already dead." Gertrude states with a cold look.  "We don't do ransoms."

"Again, I know.  I know.  See, I know a lot, Gertrude.  I really do.  Like the fact that you have $300 million in U.S. dollars sitting in your personal vault downstairs." Mr. Scrooge grins when Gertrude's smirk drops and she averts her eyes to her family, meaning that no one was suppose to know that secret.

Alva looks at her mother in shock, "The fuck?" She gasps.

But Jason...Linda watches his face, studying him. Did he know about the money?

"That's right." Mr. Scrooge continues to gloat. "300 million that the U.S. government gave Lightstone to quietly distribute in the Middle East to all the worst people to grease the wheels and keep that sweet oil flowing. 300 million that — Oops —disappeared in the fog of war." He mocks a shocked face at Gertrude and snorts at her trying to be so tough and strong even when she's been exposed greatly. "Except it didn't really disappear, did it, Gerty? Cause you stole it."

"Did you know about this?" Linda whispers to Jason.

Jason discreetly places his finger over his lips, trying not to direct any attention towards them. He did know about the money. He has heard of this several times in the family in fact.

Mr. Scrooge scoffs at them all with a disgusted sneer, "Man, this family. This money-grubbing family. Clinging desperately to your wealth when your poor employees don't even have enough coal to keep Tiny Tim warm."

Gertrude rolls her eyes at him, "What is it with you and all this Christmas shit?" She shifts in her seat, "Take all you want. You'll never get in the vault."

Changing his face into a mocking, shocked and defeat look, "Oh, oh, oh, because when you-you hit the panic button..." He points at her fisted hand and reaches to yank the small security button out of her hand, gritting his teeth in annoyance. It was funny how he was ready for everything. " resets the combination?"

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