Chapter 2: Christmas with the Lightstones

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Noelle sighs as she rubs her head, driving towards Lightstone property. After leaving her job...or maybe she now should call it her former job. After that love tap, Dr. Goldman officially fired her. But, Grandma always taught her, always have evidence against an enemy when they try to make a move. She didn't go into his office without being prepared. She kept her cell phone on her and recorded their whole conversation. Not that she wanted to keep that job anyway. She loves being a doctor, but working with people like Dr. Goldman and people who only care about competition...not patients. She was tired. Emotionally, Mentally, and physically tired.

After sending the recording of Dr. Goldman to the board, she officially and verbally turned in her 2 weeks notice.


Noelle snaps her head up as she hears Linda's voice answer the phone, "Hey, Linda." She says as her cellphone rested on the holder while it was on the speaker so she could drive.

"Hey, Noelle."

"Hi, Noelle!"

"Hey, rugrat!" Noelle smiles big at her sister's voice.

"Are you coming home for Christmas?!" Trudy's voice shouts with excitement.

Noelle giggles, "You bet I am.  I'm homeward bound right now and heading to grandma's."

"YAY!!!!!" Trudy cheers.

Linda laughs, "I didn't know you were going to get off so soon.  With your job, your hours are always unpredictable."

"Well, I didn't want to miss any opportunity to come home." Noelle sighs.

"Okay, what happened?"

Noelle sighs, "I can never hide anything from you, can I?" She chuckles. 

She hears Linda fumbling with her phone, taking her off the speaker so she could talk to her in private, "After being married for so long with your father, you two are like peas in a pod.  Secrets aren't so secret with me." Linda scoffs. 

Noelle sighs, "Well, where do I start?" She scoffs and begins to tell Linda what her boss did and that she just lost her job, but she also told her how she got payback and that the board will be contacting her soon about how they were planning to keep this hush-hush.  No one will get fired, just reassigned to different hospitals or different departments, but she couldn't stay there anymore.

"Well, I'm so proud of you.  And if you tell your dad this, he'll understand."

"Not ready yet to talk to him about this.  He's already got so much on his mind." Noelle hints.

Linda sighs heavily, "Yeah."

"Lin, I know you still love dad.  And he loves you." Noelle says.

"But, he won't stop letting his mother get her way.  She's constantly forcing herself in between us." Linda sighs heavily.  "I don't want to do this in front of Trudy." She drops her voice to a softer tone.  "I'm picking up your dad and we're heading to the Lightstone Mansion."

"Okay.  But, I'm not dropping the subject." Noelle smirks.

"You never do." Linda chuckles. "I'm sorry that Nick couldn't be here.  I can't believe he has to work on Christmas Eve." Linda scoffs.

"Maybe he's Santa!" Trudy's voice calls out.

"You want your sister to date Santa?" Linda teases as she puts her back on the speakerphone.

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