Prologue: Meeting

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The beer glass hits the bar with a thud, but completely drowned out by the music and loud talking from the patrons around the lonely man as he lets out a loud burp. That must have been his third beer but he wasn't done. Soon, it was going to be a long day tomorrow and even Santa needed a buzz. Yup, Santa Claus. The real Santa Claus to be exact. But today, dressed in Civilian clothes, no gray hair, besides the small pepper patch on his short beard, Santa sat at the bar, getting his buzz on before heading 'work' tomorrow. Christmas has come and gone and so has his vacation. Which was only a week. Tomorrow was New Years Day and that means tonight was New Years Eve, the night of the first kiss for many mortals. Santa sighs and lifts a finger for another beer, feeling depression kick in again. Another year...alone. Hey, even Santa has needs other than Milk and Cookies.

As the fourth beer was set down in front of him, he glances at the clock and sees it was 8:00...four more hours till midnight. Four hours till this whole bar will be full of people cheering and kissing at midnight, expressing love and promises through the cold, bleak snow storm. Why does he torture himself like this? Why get his hopes he would meet someone a bar of all places?

Then...the door opens, letting in a harsh winter wind and snow. Soft shivering was made from the mortal who was covered in a thick coat. Santa takes another gulp of the beer and grimaces, starting to feel the effect of the alcohol.

"Hi, is there a phone I can use? My car broke down a few miles from here." A soft, angelic voice speaks up. "My phone died and I don't have my charger."

Santa looks over in curiosity and sees the covered figure chattering with the bartender. He watches a small hand push the hood of the coat away and wavy, platinum hair spills around the woman's shoulders.

(^^^ Noelle Lightstone) He slowly lowers his beer glass before he could drop it as he looks at the woman hidden under that huge coat

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(^^^ Noelle Lightstone)
He slowly lowers his beer glass before he could drop it as he looks at the woman hidden under that huge coat. She was beautiful. Like an angel before him. Her dark eyes shine over the soft glow of the lights, adding a sparkle. Her skin looked soft to touch. Lightly tanned. Her cheeks, so rosy and soft. Freckled with melted snow. Her lips were flushed from the cold weather.

He could feel his heart pound against his chest. As if Cupid just...he looks around and sees if that annoying little asshole was pranking him, wasn't a prank. This was the real deal. Santa sighs and a smile slowly grows on his lips. He must know who this woman was. He slowly gets up, but freezes...what will he say? How can he introduce himself?

'Hi, I'm Santa Claus.' He scoffs in his mind at how stupid that sounded.

Yeah, right, she wouldn't believe that. He needed to figure something out. An icebreaker or something to stir up a conversation and slowly get to know her before he heads off. If he can just get her name...that's all he wanted. A name. Without his list, he didn't have anything on this girl. He knew every person in this world...but...for some reason, he didn't know her.

He watches her take the bartender's cellphone and gives her a beautiful smile as a thanks as she makes a phone call. He tries to discreetly move closer to catch the phone call, hearing her voice as she talks to the person on the other line.

A Noelle for Santa (Violent Night Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now