Chapter 11: Christmas Magic

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As Thorp's men and Scrooge's men load up the snowmobiles, Scrooge was gathering his men to move out...after they taken care of the hostages, including Jason and Gertrude. Scrooge wanted to have front seats to Gertrude's death. After how this family drove him nuts all night long, he was really looking forward to it. Then, he was dying to take care of the so-called Santa Claus and put an end to Christmas once and for all.

Suddenly, everyone takes cover as gunfire goes off. Linda, dressed in her jacket and hat, sat perched by the stairs and opened fire at the soldiers and Scrooge. She gasps as she felt like she didn't know what the hell she was doing, but she couldn't let them kill Jason or Gertrude.

"Oh! Oh! Who's shooting?!"

Jason looks and sees it was Linda! He smiles big, so happy to see her. But he gasps as they begin to fire back at her. Linda yelps and ducks as gunshots go off at her. He scrambles and runs for cover, jumping over many haystacks. Linda whimpers as she stays covered, but gets up and shoots again. When one of the men had her in their crosshair...

Santa yells and slams his hammer into the soldier's head. Stopping him from killing Linda. Jason gasps and jumps in shock. He puts his fist up, ready to fight, but he frowns as the man ducks next to him.

"Hey, Jason." Santa calls out.

Jason's eyes widen, "Nick, what the...never mind, don't wanna know. I'm so glad you're here."

"Stay down." Santa says and grabs a rock and begins to ball up snow really tight around it.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Jason mutters.

From the windows, Everyone was watching the firefight between Linda and the bad guys and they could see Nick hiding behind the manger. "Oh, god!" Noelle moves and rushes to Krampus' body, searching for a weapon.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alva scoffs.

"Linda's in trouble, she can't take all those soldier's by herself." Noelle says and grabs a handgun, cocking it. "You two stay here and protect Trudy." She says.

Alva yanks her back, "Are you crazy? Nick says to stay here. You're not gonna get yourself killed for some guy."

Noelle grits her teeth and punches Alva across the face, making her fall backwards on to the floor with a cry as she clutches her bloody nose. Panting heavily, Noelle shakes her throbbing hand, "I've waited YEARS for that! Huh!" She turns towards Bert who flinches, "You better protect my sister or I'm gonna take your phone and shove it up your ass till you can only text with your tongue! 'Hashtag: 'Deep Throat'." She mocks, making Bert look at her in fear. She moves and kneels in front of Trudy. "Tru, you stay here with your aunt and cousin, I'll be right back. I can't let Santa do this on his own."

"Be careful, Noelle." Trudy says worriedly.

"I will." Noelle sighs and rushes out the door, but ducks as gunshots go off. She rushes to one part of the stairs and pops out, firing her gun.

Linda gasps in surprise, "Noelle! What are you doing?"

"I can't let you hold them off by yourself!" Noelle ducks.

Linda yelps and pops out again to shoot at them. Noelle pops up as Linda ducks, she gasps as she watches Thorp and Scrooge snatch Gertrude and drag her to the snowmobile.

"They got Grandma!" Noelle shouts and ducks.

Once Santa had his snowball, he gets up fast and sends it flying hard across, hearing it slam into Jingle's face and having him fly backwards hard on the ground.

Linda pops out and shoots again, hitting one man right in the balls. She gasps in shock as Noelle winces, "Ohhhh!"

"Oh! Oh, god!" Linda gasps.

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