"Discuss? Exactly what, pray tell, needs to be discussed?" Tony asked.

"She obviously wasn't ready for this, Tony. And putting her in the field presents a risk-"

Tony began to argue on your behalf before Steve had even finished. "If any of us were in that situation we would've done the same-"

"I agree with the Captain." Loki interrupted, bringing their conversation to a screeching halt.

Your eyes shot up, meeting his stern gaze from across the table. "What?" Your shock was evident in your tone.

No one spoke as the two of you held a conversation with your eyes.

You're really gonna make me say it? His raised brow seemed to say.

When you didn't back down, he sighed.

"Your lack of control has created a deficit in the field, one that has proven to be deadly." He spoke plainly.

"Lack of control." You whispered more to yourself than anyone in the room.

Loki heard you though, and continued. "Yes. Any good leader would remove you from your position immediately until further evaluation and training could be had."

"You want me to be removed from the team?" You asked, voice still a whisper.

You looked around at the rest of the team, but none of them spoke up. Probably all just as shocked as you that Loki had said something.

Or they agree with him.

~As they should.~

"Not permanently. Just until you receive more training, gain better control of your magic." He explained.

"Training? And who's fucking job was it to make sure I had that training in the first place?!" You slammed your hands down on the table.

Loki clenched his jaw, more affected by your outburst than he would show in front of everyone else.

Which just pissed you off more.

You stood, pushing your chair back.

"Liv-" Tony started, his hand landing on your shoulder.

You shrugged him off.

I'll be damned if I let him deter me.

You continued to stare Loki down as you spoke, voice scarily even. "It was your job to train me. Maybe if you'd actually give me the time of day, we wouldn't be in this situation."

Loki remained relaxed in his chair, seemingly unfazed. But you knew his body well enough that you could pick out the slightest tick in his jaw. Also, he was heavily pushing on your mental block now, but you continued to keep him out.

You did, however, push one thought through to him.

Fuck. You.

His eyes widened slightly in shock. "Perhaps if you would learn to control your emotions long enough to get through one training session, I would work with you. But as it stands you can't even manage that."

This time it was your eyes that widened in shock, along with everyone else's in the room.

Loki, unphased, continued. "This little outburst of yours is proof enough of your inability to achieve control." He looked down at your hands still flat on the table, now covered in blue wisps of shadow before once again meeting your gaze. "Your need to belong has led you to put your team at risk. Have you considered that?"

Your anger quickly deflated, guilt taking its place as you once again glanced at Clint's empty chair.

"It's all I think about." You whispered, voice gone hoarse.

Of Love and Mischief (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now