Chapter 15: Resignation

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The next morning, Laia still wasn't feeling well, but she still insisted on going to work because she missed out a few days of work right after she was caught by her father's men.

"I need to go to work. I still have many files that I need to review. Even though Adler sent in my excuse letter, it is inappropriate to not report after a few days of absence," she insisted as she tried to push me away from the door.

"Are you crazy?! You are pregnant! Why do you need to restrain yourself? Do you want our baby to suffer because of your negligence?" I blurted in disbelief, blocking the door while grabbing her bag away.

"I won't strain myself. I have already informed the office that I am pregnant and they promised that they will lessen the workload given to me. As the licensed lawyer of our company, I shouldn't slack off just because I am pregnant," she explained as desperately reached for the bag I just grabbed.

I was shocked to learn about her work. I never thought she'd become a lawyer. No wonder she was confident about the annulment. There is no divorce in our country, causing us to only rely on annulment if we wanted a form of separation.

However, I am worried about my child. Annulment is an absolute nullification of marriage. Even if the child is mine, he or she would become illegitimate once our marriage is annulled. I suddenly felt alarmed. She could leave me at any moment.

"B-But you are in no condition to work right now. Can't you see yourself in the mirror?! You are extremely pale and you almost fainted earlier, while going to the bathroom!" I argued.

"I'm really alright now. Please don't meddle with my career. I can't sully my name in the company. I've worked so much to achieve what I have right now without help from anyone. Please... I beg you..," she begged desperately with a firm tone.

"No... You can't..," I insisted while checking the time on my phone.

I might get late due to this endless argument. I can't let her go on her condition. She couldn't even eat her breakfast due to her nausea—she might faint while working.

"Are you sure you're not going to let me through? We're both going to be late," she asked, looking at me fiercely.

I felt my heart skip a beat from her look for some reason. I couldn't understand, but her aggressive appearance felt like I'm looking at a cute black kitten trying to intimidate me with her little fangs and claws. I was in a daze for a moment—trying my hardest not to laugh in front of her.

Her expression suddenly changed as she suddenly smirked while removing her glasses, extending her hands to my shoulder. She pulled me closer and I instinctively followed without fighting back from her initiation.

Her right hand slid up from my neck to the back of my head while playfully fiddling with my hair as she looked up to me with her eyes slightly closed—our lips pressed against each other. I was surprised that I suddenly dropped all the things in my hands.

Forgetting we were arguing just a moment ago, I grabbed her slim waist, pulling her as close as possible while wrapping my arm around her back. Her soft, moist and a bit oily lips tasted slightly sweet like cherry, as our tongues intertwined a few times.

I took the eyeglasses on her left hand that were clinging to my shoulder as I felt a bit of discomfort from the hard frame against my collarbone and placed it on top of the shoe rack beside us. I could feel the heat of our bodies rise as our breaths grew heavy.

In the heat of the moment, she suddenly pushed me saying, "We're going to be late. Let's go."

She picked up my phone and her bag on the floor, then took her glasses, pulling me outside the door. I was still stunned and confused, so I couldn't react to her actions.

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