Chapter 1: The Slap

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I couldn't handle the urge to look at the figure of a beautiful woman sitting on the table right across ours—I couldn't stop staring at the form of a lovely woman seated across from our table. Her smile fills the dimly lit pub when the random-colored disco light turns to their table.

My focus remained locked on her as I puzzled over her identity, my brow furrowing. A curious sense of familiarity washed over me, but I couldn't link it to prior experiences or connections.

I carefully examined her, straining into my memories to recall her name or where we could have met previously. It was as if I were sifting through the scattered puzzle pieces of my past, longing to piece together the forgotten connection with the enigmatic figure before me.

It was a great night out for the guys, hanging out on Friday night with rum and beer in hand while flirting with random girls in our arms.
The gentle sound of DJ music made me dizzy and sleepy.
Occasionally, I looked at the woman who caught my eye while drinking a few glasses of rum to distract myself.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Aziel, man, you already have a girl in your arms, yet you're still stealing glances at another one.

"Hey, man, you've been eyeing that other table for a while. Anyone interesting over there?" Carlo, my best buddy, inquired, his face smug.

"I'm not entirely sure. Maybe I confused that woman with someone differently," I responded, drawing the lovely lady beside me nearer, fritters along her impertinence as I leaned in for a kiss. Yet, my lips froze midway as the memory of the woman with the familiar smile at the adjacent table suddenly returned.

"Sh**! I cannot do this right now," I murmured, pushing the lady away.

"What was wrong with you? Are you gay? Eew!" she screamed in vexation before turning towards the exit, her body language emitting an unmistakable air of misprision and disappointment.

Her response caught me off guard, leaving me feeling somewhat bewildered. My thoughts were in disarray, and a numbness settled over my face. I observed in silence as she distanced herself, clearly seething with discontent.

"Whoa! Hahaha! Aziel, what's wrong with you? I thought she was your type. We've been through a lot to get you that girl! Damn! Such a waste of effort!" Eric needled.

I sighed and reclined without dignifying his taunt with a reply. Exhaustion and stress from the long workday had taken their toll.

"Right! You were eyeing the girl across the table earlier. Who's she?" Carlo inquired.

"Just be quiet, man. Focus on your own business," I retorted, closing my eyes as I sipped my glass of rum.

"Are you already hammered?" he questioned.

"Yeah! So what?" I shot back bluntly.

"Ready to head back? Need a ride to the hotel?" he asked with concern.

"Enough, man!" I replied firmly.

"Fine! If you miss your flight tomorrow, it's on you," he countered.

I glanced at her again, looking intently, trying to remember who she was. Her gaze was drawn to me unexpectedly, and she appeared perplexed. She suddenly reverted her glance, pretending not to see me.

"She recognized me. I was sure of it!" I muttered, unaware that my voice had carried further than intended.

"What now? Do you remember now who she is?" Carlo inquired.

"Is it the girl in a white dress, blonde, and well-endowed?" Eric probed.

"No!" I vehemently objected.

Aziel: Ex Mafia's Son-in-lawWhere stories live. Discover now