Chapter 8: Wedding

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I arrived at the chapel early with Mr. Adler, clutching a bouquet of beautiful flowers that I had purchased for Laia. I feel nervous and unsure about my decision to marry Laia. I am still not sure if I am ready for this kind of commitment.

As I entered the chapel, I saw Mr. Adler stop walking with me and stand by the door. I approached him and handed over the bouquet of flowers I had bought for Laia.

"Could you please give these to Laia?" I nervously asked Mr. Adler, my voice shaking slightly in nervousness as I looked at all the men surrounding me. "I want to apologize for the way things happened before, and I want to surprise her before the wedding."

Mr. Adler smiled genuinely and nodded, taking the bouquet from my hands. "I'll make sure she gets them," he said.

I watched as Mr. Adler walked away and disappeared into the chapel. I took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves as he approached Mr. Dominique, who was standing in front of the altar beside the officiant with a weary yet frightening smile on his face.

"Just in time, my son!" He waved the gun in his right hand at me while holding a cane in his left hand.

The officiant seemed unbothered by his act. It is as if they've long known one another.

"Oh! Is he the son-in-law you are talking about?" the officiant asked.

"Right! He's still clumsy, but I will shape him up in no time since I didn't get a chance to have a son and my ingrate daughter strongly renounced all her rights to my wealth," he said as I slowly approached them with confusion.

It seemed like the father and daughter had a bad relationship, but he seems to genuinely care about Laia despite his brute approach.

I hesitantly stood by his side as we waited for Laia while his men started to occupy the seats in the chapel with their arms on their sides. I suddenly felt lightheaded, and my stomach fluttered in nervousness while waiting.

I kept fidgeting and looking at the door for some reason.

Should I run, as Laia said?

But it was already too late to back out.

The chapel was suddenly filled with a tense silence as Mr. Dominique stood at the altar, a gun pointed at my head. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to stay calm, my eyes fixed on the doors at the back of the chapel. I still couldn't believe that this was really happening.

"Don't make a mistake, Aziel," Mr. Dominique growled, his finger hovering over the trigger. "I won't hesitate to pull this trigger if you try to back out of this wedding."

"Woah! Mr. Domique, please refrain from bloodshed. I doubt this lad has any ounce of courage to escape from this marriage," the officiant interfered while lightly pulling Mr. Dominique's arm.

I was petrified and trembled as sweat ran down my forehead. "Hic! S-Sir... I-I won't escape. P-Please lower your g-gun," I begged.

"The bride is here!" announced one of my father-in-law's men.

It wasn't long before we heard the sound of music and saw the doors to the chapel open. Laia appeared. She was standing by the door, looking beautiful in her simple yet elegant-looking white wedding dress.

She wasn't wearing her glasses, but I bet she's wearing contact lenses. The glasses she was using the day she was drunk were prescription glasses, and they were quite thick. It would be hard for her to see if she's not wearing glasses. She looked cute either with or without the glasses on.

"You better behave, SON. One mistake is a bullet in your head," whispered my father-in-law as he lowered the gun and hid it from his daughter's sight.

My mouth went dry as I nodded, and my hands were shaking as I stood at the altar. I knew that I had no choice but to go through with the ceremony. Mr. Dominique had made it clear that there was no backing out.

Her eyes fixed on the bouquet of blue and white roses I bought for her before she looked at me, smiling sweetly. Even though I knew that her smile hid a taint of resentment since I didn't run as she told me to, I still couldn't help getting swept away by her beauty.

Mr. Dominique hid the gun behind his back with a sly smile on his face as he approached his daughter and escorted her down the aisle.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as I watched her approach. I knew that she had never wanted this either, but there is no turning back now. We are both trapped, bound by the decisions of others.

As the ceremony began, I tried to push my doubts and regrets to the back of my mind. Laia and I were still bickering at one another throughout the ceremony, with our voices lowered to prevent her father from hearing our conversations. I was trembling the whole time due to fright, and she made fun of me a few times.

Even a simple scraping sound had my heart almost jump out of my chest due to nervousness, especially when the officiant told us to kiss in front of her father and his men.

Seriously?! How could I even dare lay a finger on her in front of her father?

I could feel the sharp glare from her father, despite not looking in his direction.

"Hic! S-sir?" I asked as I turned around upon hearing the scraping sounds echoed across the chapel and saw him and his men standing, waiting for us to continue with the ceremony.

"Tsk! Such a coward," Laia whispered while grabbing my suit and pulling me near for the kiss.

She pressed her lips briefly and passionately against mine, and I felt my heart skip a beat due to surprise. I suddenly remembered the night we shared together and felt the urge to pull her back as she pulled away, but I refrained from doing so, at least not in front of her father, as I clenched my hand to keep myself calm.

Her father and his men suddenly clapped in applause after the kiss as if they enjoyed the sight, and then the officiant instructed us to sign the legal papers.

The chapel was once again filled with a tense silence as I and Laia stood in front of the officiant, our hands trembling as we signed the marriage contract. Her father and his men watched from the pews, their eyes fixed on us as we committed ourselves to each other.

My heart pounded in my chest as I signed my name on the dotted line, my eyes fixed on Laia, who suddenly rolled her eyes away.

Is she really mad at me for not running away? I literally have no idea what is currently running through her mind.

Laia signed the contract next, her hand trembling as she put the pen to the paper. I knew she had never wanted this either, but like me, she had no choice.

As the ceremony came to an end, Mr. Dominique stepped forward and congratulated us as newlyweds. "Welcome to the family, Aziel," he said with a sly smile, clapping me on the back. "I hope you'll be able to make Laia happy."

I forced a smile, trying to push down the knots in my stomach. I knew that this was not the way I had imagined starting my marriage.

He thanked the officiant and talked with him in private as Mr. Adler approached me and Laia.

"Young lady, the car is ready. We will escort you two to the villa prepared by your father," Mr. Adler said politely, lowering his head in front of Laia.

"Do we really need to live together?" she asked with a scornful look on her face.

"We prepared a villa near the city for the two of you. You can still go to your respective jobs, but I advise you both to resign from your current positions because Mr. Dominique had already prepared a position for Mr. Elrod in the company. He will have a personal conversation with him a week later regarding the details," he explained politely.

I could see the spite in Laia's eyes, so I pulled her lightly to distract her. "Laia and I need privacy. Can you lead us to the villa first?"

Mr. Adler nodded and led us to the car, while a few men followed us from behind. He obediently drove us to the villa, where a butler, a head maid, and a few servants awaited our arrival.

Laia remained silent the whole time, from the chapel until we arrived at the villa. I felt nervous and unsure of what to tell her once we were already alone. I have a lot of things on my mind that I don't even know where to start.

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