"Do tell."

"It's an early Christmas present, but I bought it with the ball in mind. Happy Christmas love."

"You didn't have to get me anything," Draco replied softly, carefully removing the paper. "Oh Harry these are stunning. They must have cost a fortune."

"You're worth it."

"Silver and green are truly our colors."

Harry fastened the emerald cufflinks with a band of silver surrounding them onto Draco's jacket underneath his dress robes.

"Perfect," Harry appraised, taking Draco's hand into his own.

"Dance with me?," Draco invited.

"I'm going to step on your toes," Harry warned, flicking his wrist so that some music played.

"Look at me, not your feet."

"That's not very hard to do when you're so breathatking."

"I'm glad you said yes."

"I'd go anywhere with you."

"The feeling is mutual darling. You're sure you're up for this? Everything changes tomorrow."

"I know, but I hope it's for the better. I'd eventually like to take you out in the wizarding world again and not make the front page."

"Harry darling, you're always going to make the front page. People are nosy and want to know what you're doing. I just make things more... interesting."

"I love interesting."

"Interesting loves you too."

Harry beamed up at Draco, and they moved slightly closer to each other. All Draco had to do was tilt his head downwards and- and go answer the door.

"Yes?," he asked, irritation still present in his voice.

"Mum sent something for you and Harry."

"We'll collect it in a few moments Weasley, thanks."

"I'm leaving it in front of the door. Goodnight."

"Did you need help with the buttons again?," Draco asked before he began to undo his own.


"Need help with the tie too?," Draco teased.

"Normally I'd say no but this is obviously very expensive. I don't want to damage it."

"I've made a schedule for tomorrow. I planned out the whole day."

"Tell me about it."

Draco had planned down to the time they'd be tying their shoes. Breakfast, showers, hair, dressing, leaving to and from the ball, all planned out.

"What's this last thing on here?"

"I was hoping that you would accompany me to a late dinner?"

"I accept your invitation."

"It's a date," Draco proclaimed.

Harry didn't correct him. He liked the sound of that.

"I'll get the box, and then I'll be getting ready for bed."

"I'll take care of the robes because you'll wrinkle them."

"You know me so well love."

"You're extremely predictable."

"Part of the charm I s'pose."

"Part," Draco agreed, carefully hanging up his dress robes. "I'm going to leave them hanging up in my room. Bring yours once you've changed."

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