Howdy Texas

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Sadie: and arrest who we can?

Y/N: Exactly, with one exception.

Sadie: who?

Y/N: Colm.

Sadie turns to you with a look of shock on her face.

Sadie: WHAT!?!

Y/N: Here me out, I have a theory, I have a feeling Micah along with the pinkertons and Dutch is also working for the O'Driscolls.

Sadie: I'm listening.

Y/N: Think about it, someone like Micah wants three things, Money, Power, and Fame. He's already getting paid from the pinkertons and the gang so theirs the Money, think of the Power and Fame he'll have if he can run both gangs.

Sadie: I suppose that makes sense.

Y/N: And you can bet your ass Milton and Ross know exactly where Micah is and what he's doing.

Sadie: and what about Dutch? You said on the train you had a feeling Dutch knows more about Micah than he's letting on.

Y/N: Oh I stand by that I just don't think he's expecting Micah to be working along side the O'Driscolls. But you know what really puts the final nail in the coffin for me?

Sadie: Whats that?

Y/N: well let me ask you this, have you noticed how easily the O'Driscolls Milton and Ross have found the gang lately ?

Sadie: yes now that you mention it, ever since Arthur broke him out of jail in strawberry they've been on us like a bad rash.

Y/N: kind of funny how that works huh.

Sadie: and you havent told Dutch because?

Y/N: let him dig his own grave. If he would have been honest and up front with me from the start I'd have extended that olive branch, but I sat down with him man to man and he lied to my face, that my dear means the gloves are off.

Sadie: so when do we tell the others ?

Y/N: not until I have irrefutable evidence to support my theory. So for now it stays between us.

Sadie: What about Pat and J.D. ?

Y/N: if we manage to find the O'driscolls and Micahs not there we'll give them a description and tell them to get us a message.

Sadie: and if they see him?

Y/N: we'll come back and grab him.

You tow ride in silence for a while long before you look at Sadie.

Y/N: Say Sadie

Sadie looks in at you.

Sadie: yes ?

Y/N: you never did tell me about your horse, she's gorgeous.

Sadie: Shouldn't I be concerned you're only me because you like my horse?

Y/N: well that would depend.

Sadie: On what?

Y/N: On how much she likes me.

That earns you a swat on the arm.

Y/N: bust seriously what's her name and where'd you get her? I don't recall Jake ever mentioning wanting Turkoman's

Sadie: that's true and we never had any, we had an old war horse that would haul the wagon but the O'Driscolls stole that one.

You notice a tear rolling down Sadie's cheek so you reach over and place a hand on her arm.

a US Marshal and the Van Der Lind GangTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang